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Original Music

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If I produce an original song for Arma 3 can it be incorporated into the game? Has any mission makers an interest in using original soundtracks and what format does the music file need to be in order to play it within the engine?

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If I produce an original song for Arma 3 can it be incorporated into the game? Has any mission makers an interest in using original soundtracks and what format does the music file need to be in order to play it within the engine?

You can put it into missions, yes. And it's quite easy. I have an interest in using original tracks in some missions I may make. Currently I use the original tracks from OFP / A2 for my mood music in game.

In order to get it to play in game it's quite easy (mission maker side) now, if you want to make it a PBO and turn it into an addon that is something I do not know how to do with music and sound files. The sound artists in the community would be the go to guys for that.

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Ill write something with Arma 3 in mind along the lines of old Clancy games and upload it to sound cloud, see what the forum thinks.

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