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Server Browser - Red Dots

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Hi! i see in the server browser that are a lot of servers with a red dot. Can anyone told me what it means? because i see the server with red dots and the others with green dot (the few) and i see no difference.

In all servers with the red dot i get "Session Lost" but the server are not empty, are people playing.

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I could be wrong, but server with red dots mean they play a different version of the game then you, so you can't join the server (for exemple , it might be a DEV build server)

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Thanks nicolasroger, but the servers that you said have a red cross. But i see a lot of servers with a red dot and my friends see this servers with green dot.

Edit: i solve this problem cheking the game integrity from Steam. I have 4 files that must acquire and now see all dots green!!!!!

Edited by Sandman1980

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If you have a mod installed that is not allowed by the server it will show in the browser with a red dot.

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