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New to modelling , advice needed

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Hello there guys

i would like some advice on how to start modelling i have all the Bohemia tools and 3ds max

For my first project i would like to start creating HMS Ocean which is a Amphibious assault ship (LPH) from the royal navy

could someone give me advice on how to start this or a good tut i could learn from



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Forget about doing a landing ship for your first project and just do some simple models to get used to the tools first.

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Could someone suggest something for me to create for a first go?

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For your first model ever? A crate perhaps? And trust me, if it's your first model ever, depending on your artistic background, your crate will suck. It's better for your crate to suck tho than your Vehicle. Maybe a crate or some other simple piece of equipment that might be found on your boat?

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is there a tut you could point me in

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Google for 3ds max modelling tuts, first off. You have a lot of ground to cover with the modelling and UVW tools. There are plenty of 3dsmax resources all over the internets.

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I am new to ARMA/VBS modeling. I would like to find some simple step by step tutorial of how to bring a simple object into the game. I would be happy to create s simple box with some texture into the game then use O2 to start to add different properties like weights lods and collisions. Textures are just as important as the models and what are some good tools to create textures. The resources I have is VBS2 and Maya. Do I need photoshop to create textures? I have been trying to use Oxygen to create some models and it is almost impossible to do anything productive.

I have been able to create some objects with Maya then export those objects with some success to Oxygen. But going from Oxygen to a usable object in the game seems impossible. In the process, I seemed to ruined the Buldozer and I am unable to get it to work without and it gives me errors and crashes. I find the whole process frustrating because, I don't even know what form the objects need to be in and where they are put to have the game read them. I found some pbo packer but I didn't see objects in pbo formant but a .3d format and the textures were in a data file.

As I can get objects into the game are there good resources for the many attributes that can be created with Oxygen?

Edited by Creaney2

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Hey Creaney2 and Tom.Tucka

I'm also new to moddeling and find some nice tuts on these pages.

It's a step by step and simple explained............ so far (haha).

This is a very simple crate tut from o2 to arma. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12680

and these are a house, container, weapon, car, plane, heli, animated house for o2 to arma. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials.htm

How 3dsMax to o2 works ??????? I don't know JET, I in a few weeks I will HAHA.

My crate from 3dsMax to o2 is too big, but i will get they answer.

Good luck on you're projects.

Edited by GodsFist

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