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About Creaney2

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  1. Creaney2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I can ever use shift select to be able to be able select points for some basic functionality which is the most frustrating part of the program.
  2. Creaney2

    New to modelling , advice needed

    I am new to ARMA/VBS modeling. I would like to find some simple step by step tutorial of how to bring a simple object into the game. I would be happy to create s simple box with some texture into the game then use O2 to start to add different properties like weights lods and collisions. Textures are just as important as the models and what are some good tools to create textures. The resources I have is VBS2 and Maya. Do I need photoshop to create textures? I have been trying to use Oxygen to create some models and it is almost impossible to do anything productive. I have been able to create some objects with Maya then export those objects with some success to Oxygen. But going from Oxygen to a usable object in the game seems impossible. In the process, I seemed to ruined the Buldozer and I am unable to get it to work without and it gives me errors and crashes. I find the whole process frustrating because, I don't even know what form the objects need to be in and where they are put to have the game read them. I found some pbo packer but I didn't see objects in pbo formant but a .3d format and the textures were in a data file. As I can get objects into the game are there good resources for the many attributes that can be created with Oxygen?
  3. Creaney2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I am new to VBS2 and I have been trying to learn how to bring custom models into the game. I have found Oxgen2 and it is a very clumsy program to use and modeling is almost impossible. I have found some tutorials to create an object for VBS2 and I have yet to create anything that will show up in the game. Is Oxygen the only program that will create the graphics that VBS can use? Even so how can I get even a simple box to appear in the objects menu and brought in as a game object. Then as I have been learning about all the different setting models can have from doors to weights to collision shapes models can be very complex to create. Are there any good reference materials or tutorials which explains the process. I have been trying to get a VBS2 class but because VBS3 is coming out it might be months until I can learn ever the basics of game development. I have tried to save objects in the same formats as VBS and put them in the directories with other objecs and the game won't recognize the files and load the objects.