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Creating a Script to Manage a Variable for User Animation

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I am currently working on a script that will create a variable called "_magazinetype". Magazine type will range is between 0 and 4. 1-4 are different types of magazines and 0 is no magazine.

What I want to do is depending on the variable number, I am able to call on the _magazinetype variable as a source in cfgmodel's to determine the weapon's magazine.

The way I see it will be done is for example if the current magazine is the 30rnd_65_caseless, it will set _magazinetype to 1, and if it is the 100rnd, it will set it to 2.

This is the first thing I need to accomplish. A variable that changes depending on what magazine the player has.

Secondly, I want to model a simple rifle, but in the model there will be a vertex group called "magazine" that will be animated with reloading, etc. However, it will have 4 types of magazines. 20rnd, 30rnd,60rnd and 100rnd. Now what I want to have happen here is have the animationsource class pick up the _magazinetype variable. If it is set to 0, it will hide all of the magazines. If it is set to 1, it will show the first, but hide the rest. I believe if this works it will allow for the weapons in Arma to reflect what they have in them more accurately.

But because I am relatively new to Arma coding (only been doing such for about a year), I am unsure if I am doing this correctly.

Here is the code that I have so far:

///_this select 0: unit
///_this select 1: weapon classname
///_this select 2: Magazine's class
///_this select 3: Magazine Count

private ["_unit","_weapon","_magazineclass","_magazinetype"];

_unit = [_this, 0, objnull, [objnull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_weapon = [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_magazineclass = [_this, 2, 0, [0,""]] call BIS_fnc_paraml

_unit setvariable ["_magazinetype", 0, true];

/// 0 is a empty gun
/// 1 is a 30 round
/// 2 is a 100 round
/// 3 is not used yet
/// 4 is not used yet

/// Eventually 1 will be 20 rnd, 2 will be 30 rnd, 3 will be 60rnd, 4 will be betaC

if (_magazinetype < 0) then 
{ _unit setvariable ["_magazinetype", 0, true]}; /// magazines cannot superseed 0;
if (_magazinetype > 4) then 
{ _unit setvariable ["_magazinetype", 4, true]}; /// Magazines cannot exceed 4 

if (_magazineCount >0) then ///If the unit has magazines
	_magazine = getArray (configfile / "cfgweapons"/ _weapon / "magazines"); ///gets the magaizine
	if (_magazine = "100rnd_65x39_caseless_mag") then
			{ _unit setvariable ["_magazinetype", 1, true]}; ///Large Mags are 2
	if (_magazine = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag") then
			{ _unit setvariable ["_magazinetype", 2, true]}; ///Small Mags are 1
class Hide;
class cfgmodels
	class modelskeletonilldefinelater
			class animations;
	class weaponmodelilldefinelater : modelskeletonilldefinelater
			class Animations:animations
				class setmagazine20rnd: hide
					source = _magazinetype;
					animperiod = 1;
					selection = magazine;

Is there something that I need to do to get this to work properly?


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