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Operation Neptune's Spear - Navy SEAL Bin Laden raid ARMA 3 mission

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Howdy, all!

Just like to share a mission I spent the last few days making - the ARMA 3 version of Operation Neptune's Spear!

[img ]http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/594762290705775433/989CADE9A0B6076E1811947DE9BEC2FE66569932/637x358.resizedimage[/img] >100kb

Check it out here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176059155

Relive the events of that fateful night in May 2011 when Navy SEALS took down Osama Bin Laden! Faithfully recreated, based on real accounts of the Operation Neptune's Spear mission. Will you have the skill to get in, take out Bin Laden, recover from a Ghost Hawk crash, and escape before the Pakistani authorities can intercept you?


- Single player or co-op (up to 4 players)

- You play a SEAL in DEVGRU's RED TEAM

- Your job is to assault Bin Laden's compound while GREEN TEAM provide security

- You have SIX minutes to get in and out of Pakistan before Pakistani Air Forces are scrambled to intercept you

- Based on the real accounts of Neptune's Spear

Would love to hear your feedback!

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Hey, I am sorry to report that,

but the mission is not enjoyable in SP - the time limit is far too narrow - until you manage to clear the house with your AI mates, the limit is up and before you can board your helo (which takes time to arrive) the Pakistani helos appear gunning it to bits. You can leg it on 4x speed back to base, but at the marker no end trigger clicks in. Sorry but that's nothing I would call enjoyable.

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Hey, I am sorry to report that,

but the mission is not enjoyable in SP - the time limit is far too narrow - until you manage to clear the house with your AI mates, the limit is up and before you can board your helo (which takes time to arrive) the Pakistani helos appear gunning it to bits. You can leg it on 4x speed back to base, but at the marker no end trigger clicks in. Sorry but that's nothing I would call enjoyable.

I think the intent was to make it as hard as the real life event.

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Based on publicly-available accounts the raid operation took a lot longer than six minutes.

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