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Azza FHI

how to run intro.sqf on dedicated server

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hi, I need some help running the intro.sqf on MP. will need to do both a dedi and normal MP version. the only way I have gotten the intro to work (and it seems to work well) is by putting 'this exec "intro.sqf" in the init line of a unit in game but I know there are better ways to do it. can someone explain why the way I have done it is not a good way? will the server run 1 intro for each client and result in lag?

I have tried putting this in the init.sqf but it doesn't work

if (isDedicated) then {

execVM "intro.sqf"


have been testing on dedicated machine.

what exactly do I need to do? step by step plz as im still new to scripting.


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depends on what "intro.sqf" does

if it has.... (_tower = "Land_Cargo_Tower_V2_F" createVehicle (getpos player))

then it might be bad

if it has ....Hint "Helllo world"

then it's good

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ahk, well I doesn't spawn anything. its just some music and camera work. the only thing I want to add to it is parameters to turn it on or off in mish params. so ill just leave as is? why have I read that all sqf need to be run with execVM and not just exec or is that not true? thanks

playMusic "track1";

titleText ["\n\n","BLACK FADED",0];

sleep 5;

TitleRsc ["Image1", "BLACK FADED", 0];


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",2]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

showcinemaborder True;

;comment "22:43:09";

_camera camSetTarget Unit1;

_camera camSetRelPos [2,1,0.2];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0


titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

;comment "22:43:09";

_camera camPrepareTarget [104008.66,57589.68,28414.04];

_camera camPreparePos [19083.86,13061.79,0.20];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0


titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

;comment "22:46:03";

_camera camPrepareTarget [61178.65,104033.73,31.59];

_camera camPreparePos [19155.30,13292.14,1.18];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0


titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

;comment "22:52:38";

_camera camPrepareTarget [95599.33,73727.13,12634.72];

_camera camPreparePos [14729.35,16273.66,1.68];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0


titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",1]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

_camera camSetTarget dBoat;

_camera camSetRelPos [15,70,3];

_camera camCommit 0;


_camera camSetTarget dBoat2;

_camera camSetRelPos [5,70,0.7];

_camera camCommit 5;


titleCut [" ","BLACK OUT",1]


titleCut [" ","BLACK FADED",3]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]

player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]

camDestroy _camera


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exec is for *.sqs don't bother with this

execVM is for *.sqf

you can also run *.sqf with "call" and "spawn"

and your code would have no effect on a dedicated server, it's all visual, theirs no player on a dedicated server to see/hear it.

i can't remember but is ~ == sleep

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