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How to install DAC?

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I downloaded DAC utility, looks like a great way to enhance my missions, but how I have to install it? Readme asumes the user knows how to install addons but I have no idea. I can't even try it If I can't install the addon itself.


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If you DL the DAC folder it should have three other folders one DAC_pbo for the add on version, one DAC_script for the script version and one readme folder with all kinds of instructions. There is a whole DAC thread you should look at it.

If you want to use the script version very simple just put the DAC folder in your mission it should have inside of it 4 folders and one sqf files. There are two basic simple missions with the script folder chernarus and takistan just copy the folders and the map triggers and you should be set. there is some codelines you need to add to the mission init sqf.

if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}};

DAC_Zone = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqf";

DAC_Objects = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Objects.sqf";

execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf";

Once you get that all working and if you want a kick ass RU camp base Config that you would need a small ARMY to attempt to take it out PM me and I will give you my setup of my config. This config compared to old is like night and day when it comes to trying to take out the camp. Good luck and let me know if you need more help. PS I love this script/mod so usefully to help make missions more dynamic with very little effort however you need to read the 61 page handbook(:

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Avbird could you post up your camp config in the DAC resource thread? I'd love to take a look at it.



Also Capitan - post here if you have further DAC questions:


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Hey SavageCDH here is my RU CAMP config

case 0:


_campBasic = ["FlagCarrierRU",["Land_Fire_burning",10,9,0],["RU_WarfareBFieldhHospital",5,1,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["RUOrdnanceBox",11,4,0],["RULaunchersBox",11,0,0],["RUSpecialWeaponsBox",11,-2,0],["RUBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-4,0]];

_campStatic = [["D30_RU",-10,29,0,"MVD_Soldier_GL"],["KORD_high",0,28,0,"RU_Soldier_AA"],["ZU23_Ins",14,29,0,"MVD_Soldier"],["D30_RU",27,28,0,"MVD_Soldier_GL"],["KORD_high",28,9,180,"MVD_Soldier_MG"],["ZU23_Ins",29,-6,180,"MVD_Soldier"],["D30_RU",28,-24,180,"MVD_Soldier_GL"],["KORD_high",16,-25,180,"MVD_Soldier_MG"],["ZU23_Ins",3,-26,180,"MVD_Soldier"],["D30_RU",-10,-25,180,"MVD_Soldier_GL"],["KORD_high",-10,-5,0,"RU_Soldier_Medic"],["ZU23_Ins",-11,10,0,"MVD_Soldier"],["TOW_TriPod",-2,21,0,"MVD_Soldier_AT"],["2S6M_Tunguska",-32,42,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["T90",-42,52,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["TOW_TriPod",19,14,180,"MVD_Soldier_AT"],["2S6M_Tunguska",49,34,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["T90",59,44,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["TOW_TriPod",17,-15,180,"MVD_Soldier_AT"],["2S6M_Tunguska",47,-35,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["T90",57,-45,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["TOW_TriPod",-2,-16,180,"MVD_Soldier_AT"],["2S6M_Tunguska",-32,-36,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"],["T90",-42,-46,180,"RU_Soldier_Crew"]];

_campAddUnit = ["RU_Soldier_LAT","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_LAT","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_LAT","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_Medic"];

_campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45]];

_campRandomObj = [];

_campWall = ["Land_HBarrier3",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[2,2,2,2],[1,0.5],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];

Still working on it and plan on adding a few more things to the camp config ie building, units let me know what you think!!!

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