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Altis map size??

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i see in the config of Altis

map area =30290

5120x5120= SANGIN

20480X20480 = ESBEKISTAN or other

30290x30290 = ALTIS ¿?¿? :confused:

And other question anyone knows the grid and cells size?



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Overall size 30720m

Terrain cell size looks like 7.5m (seems to check out as 7.5m * 4096 = 30720m)

Sat map/mask looks like 1.25m pixels

Edited by ceeeb

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Thanks to holy Mikero, we can bring some light into the case:

820 object types, 4.796.462 objects

30720x30720m size (maybe satmap as well), 4096x4096 x 7.5 heightmap, texture layer 30x30m, Satellite Grid 64

Edited by ZeroG

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