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[Request] Campaign save games for 1.4+

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Hi all! I was delightedly playing through this awesome update to the old classic I remember from my teenage years on the Amiga. But then... I hit the Marshes Upgrade bug :butbut: and my campaign turns out to be unwinnable.

Reading online, I discovered the Marshes Upgrade bug was fixed in v1.2 or v1.3, but I've foolishly been playing v1.00.0002. I understand the Marshes Upgrade should normally be obtained at Terminus, but it wasn't for me.

So I'm happy to upgrade to v1.5 or v1.6beta, except I understand that the save games aren't compatible :cry:

Therefore, before I patch my game: Does anyone have any campaign savegames for v1.4+ that they're able to send me?

Ideally I'd have a savegame just before or after Fulcrum. The assault on Fulcrum was pretty epic and I wouldn't mind replaying that :) But I don't want to replay the whole campaign because I don't have very much time for gaming now that I'm a father and it'd take me a loong time to get back to where I was.

Look forward to hearing from anyone here. I'll be checking this thread for replies, but I don't know how the savegames would be best transferred; if email works best then it'd be awesome if you could email them to alex.churchill [at] cantab.net. Alternatively Dropbox links or forum attachments or whatever are all fine too.

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Thanks, from me, too. I am stuck at Thermopylae, because I forgot to drop the coolant into the river of lava at Fornax. It happend because, I had leveled the Island before with mantas and had launched a walrus to hack the CC. Unfortunately the walrus was quicker than expected. This savegames will be useful for me, too. At least I hope. I have the V1.6.011.

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Thankyou Species1571. Very kind of you. Ehm, I forgot, I could have go back to autosaves of three or four islands back and begin again. But then again, I wouldn´t have visited this forum, which I like. Soo ;-) thank you very very much.

The fulcrum savegame, worked. It follows what happend after starting your savegame. I started to conquer Duessa, immediately after destroying the first scrambler with four mantas equiped with machine gun, our radar, picked up Shin´s carrier for just a short time, therefore I decided to intercept the second scrambler. While I was engaging it, I got a second warning that the enemy was approaching. I knew I had to be quick. I destroyed the second scrambler and directed all 4 mantas, to my carrier. As I arrived I saw a terrible picture. The carrier was about to explode. Defense was down, Hammerhead down, Repair System down, Control tower down, Lifts down, walrus bays down, engine reduced and armor half gone. The only what worked was the offensive, due to the fact, that the enemy came from behind. I switched the manta into offensive stance and let them engage. Meanwhile I turned the carrier towards the enemy carrier which was very near. After that all undammaged turrets including the plasma and two bow turrets opened fire. The damage of my carrier was increasing steadily. But just before I thought I was done for, the enemy carrier steamed away. And Shin says to me: "It looks like I underestimated you". I called fuel from bacchus and destroyed the next two scramblers and then hacked the CC.

The end.

Edited by Antares

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Awesome! Many thanks. I think that's worked perfectly now; at least, I've entered an FPS section after conquering Duessa. I was slightly disconcerted to find the research on Terminus was some duplicate of something already in my database, but I think it's going better now. Great!

(I also had a fun confrontation with the enemy carrier on Duessa, in my case just after I conquered the island. And indeed the forward plasma does a very good job at smashing that carrier, doesn't it?)

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