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How to create a squad/team in Arma 2 Campaign?

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I reach the point in harvest red campaign of arma 2 when you can build bases, and recruit soldiers.

Problem is that whenever i create a new soldier hes added to my sqad. I need them to create separate squads. because i want to have Footsoldiers, and technicals in separate sqads not all in one. How do i do that?

I played all the tutorials, I play Arma II online (Domination 2 and escape from chernarus/takistan), I finished all other campaigns,( except PMC cause its somehow bugged and corrupts my saves) And i had several attempts to play Harvest red, but allways ragequitted in the part when you are building bases and commanding sqads, due to frustration from my inabylity to place buildings in correct directions, and bugs.


Also secondary question. How the hell i rotate the buildings when iam building them?

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Use teams. Put the requisite number of units in a technical, assign them to say Team Red. You can set up additional technicals as separate teams or group 2 or more into one team. Select the units with the "F" keys, hit 9 & take it from there.

You can set up teams of grunts in the same way, e.g., some MG & AR units plus a sniper or two make a great overwatch team.

Team command is a core game skill and really worth practising, just set up yourself a a team leader with a dozen or more AI & some vehicles.

Remember two things: formation orders apply to all teams, so you need to think about the situation so as not to generate a lot of friendly fire casualties.

Secondly, if you give a team a "regroup" order, all the units rejoin you and are no longer a team.

Rotating buildings - a while since I've done it, but it's either Ctrl+mouse drag or Shift+mouse drag.

Edited by Orcinus

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Use teams. Put the requisite number of units in a technical, assign them to say Team Red. You can set up additional technicals as separate teams or group 2 or more into one team. Select the units with the "F" keys, hit 9 & take it from there.

Well this isnt what i wanted to know, cause this i allready know, but thanks anyway.

What i want to know is, how to make separate squad. Because without separate sqads the entire basebuilding and unit creating thing becomes useles.

Edited by Mirek

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You can't. The squads would have no waypoints so you would need to have HC control over them, which would have to be scripted into the campaign.

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You can't. The squads would have no waypoints so you would need to have HC control over them, which would have to be scripted into the campaign.

What? Thx for the info.

Why the hell is there possibility to command sqads, and why the hell is there possibility to build soldiers, bases and stuff in the game if there is no possibility to create the sqads?

It doesnt make even smallest bit of sense.

Iam now really heavilly pissed of by this so i rather stop typing now or i would say something really offensive about the game devs.

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