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[SP] Lexx's random mission dump

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I've decided to release some of my missions for an old / unfinished CSAT campaign that I've worked on a few years back. Figured, it shouldn't sit on my computer and slowly getting forgotten, so I've now decided to release it along with a few tweaks here and there.


The missions are rather short, because obviously they were intended to come along with other ones... but - ignoring a few flaws and the lack of voice over - I still feel they are quite playable the way they are.



Steam Collection



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Small bump and stuff. I just uploaded a new version to the steam workshop, which fixes some minor issues with the mission + tweaks unit loadout and ambient music a bit.

Also, i am still looking for people who might be able to provide voice over in farsi. Getting this done would be super fancy.

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Took me a few years, but I've updated the first post... "Evac Convoy" is now renamed to "Retreat - Chapter 2", as I've released another mission that was taken out of an old CSAT campaign I've worked on. Both missions are pretty much tied together. I didn't want to turn them into a mini-campaign, as both missions are too short for that, so here they are now, both available on the steam workshop.

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I've decided to turn this thread into my personal mission dump, because I've just released two more missions from that old campaign:


Retreat and Target Practice are both set *before* Chapter 1 & 2. From a timeline point of view, they happen before the NATO forces are coming back to Altis and Stratis. Also I've created a collection on Steam, to keep the missions closer together (finding anything on the workshop is quite annoying otherwise). As with the first two missions, I didn't really checked the text anymore, so - again - expect a few oddities here and there.


Even though the campaign will never be finished as a whole, it would be cool to hear some feedback about the released mission.

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