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difference between these ai commands?

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I was wondering what the difference is between "engage" and "engage at will" are and "fire" and "open fire"? Thanks.

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I have always always wondered this!!

"engage" doesn't do anything as far as I can see neither does "fire" its been like this since ofp I believe

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"Engage!" tells the AI to attack whatever they can see from their position. They will not break formation to attack targets though.

"Engage at will!" allows the AI to break formation and move as they see fit to keep attacking the target. AI will break formation and will chase targets as needed.

Otherwise, AI will generally wait for you to assign a target to them first before attacking it unless it's in self defense (such as an enemy who is danger close or has harmed a squad member).

"Open Fire!" is the opposite of the "Hold Fire!" command. It allows the AI to start shooting at targets on their own as they see fit again when they have a clear shot. Sometimes useful, as you can tell your group to "Hold Fire!" so they don't spook targets, then assigned everyone a target, when the AI indicates they have line of sight and can see the targets, initiate firing by switching them back to shooting mode with "Open fire!".

"Fire!" is the remote "command Fire!" action, which is typically useful in vehicles. The gunner will fire the currently selected weapon system on your order, regardless of what he's targeting. Typically as commander, you would target a selected enemy forming the [box] bracket on it, when the gunner has aligned the weapon on target and thinks he has a clear shot, the [box] bracket is augmented with the <diamond> bracket indicating the weapon is aligned with a clear shot. You, as Player-Commander, then press/use "command Fire!" to tell the gunner to take the shot. You can use it to manually fire the weapon system and force the AI Gunner to take the shot, which is good for attacking non-enemy targets like empty vehicles and buildings. Usually for this procedure to work, you need to set the vehicle into manual fire mode first, then you can shoot the gun system remotely using "Fire!" as the commander or driver.

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