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Interviewing ARMA 3 devs at Gamescom - any questions?

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Hello everyone,

I am a presenter on the GameOverCast, a weekly enthusiast video gaming podcast.

We are going to Gamescom this week and are lucky enough to get to see ARMA3 and interview members of the development team

The GameOverCast team are all big fans of ARMA, we regularly play ARMA 2 with our listeners and are eagerly awaiting ARMA 3. We have lots of questions lined up as we had a great time seeing ARMA 3 and DayZ last year at Gamescom but we would love to ask some questions directly from the fans.

If you have anything you would like us to ask please could you post them in this thread and we will do our best to ask as many of them as we can.

I will post a link to the podcast and the time where we feature the game once we get back, we will be seeing over 40 games so it may take a few shows before we feature all of them.

If you guys fancy checking out the show, this week is our Pre-Gamescom Special !

Let me know what you want to know!

Major Tom

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Will the beta patches (dev branch) be backwards compatible like in Arma 2 or tickable so we don't need to download everytime when we change between stable and dev.

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will the mid range textures ever be improved?

will there ever be more blood textures in game?

will there be an improved medical system i.e. limb damage etc.

will the editor be improved (description.ext in editor, more modules to make mission making easier, task modules simplified)

have they decided on a expansion type? middle east? jungle warfare, ww1, Vietnam, ww2, civil war etc)

will fastroping be added (number 1 wanted feature)

Edited by tyl3r99

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On what major thing from the feedback tracker do they plan to work first?

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Will the radio system be improved to simulate range and object distortion?

Will future updates include the previously planed personal armour system (helmets and vests)?

Will the V-22 be included in future updates and if so will it have variable geometry nacele pylons so it fits the future scenario?

Will chairs ever be configured so you can sit on them without having to script it mission side?

Will the blinding sun get a comeback?

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Fast roping - will it be implemented/supported at all?

Any plans for an addon autodownloader/repo so that the community is less fractured?

Will we see new kinds of munitions (there's loads, it'd be so nice to have so much variety)? I know there's things like LG and Seeker-heads, but anything like the different kinds of sabot shells?

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Will there be enhanced damage/wounding/armor models?

Will there be enhanced animations?

Will they ever improve the engines performance?

Will they improve the way of rendering grass at distances + midrange texture?

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will arma finaly start using steamworks for finding servers instead of (buggy) gamespy?

or ill ask them myself on sunday ;)

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- If there was more time available for the development of the product which part of the game would they prefer to improve (AI, Damage Models, Particle System, Gameplay, etc).

- There have been lots of ups and downs during the development but what was the most difficult decision during the development process?

- Which of the features that made it into the game are you most proud/happy with?

- What (if any) are the plans to support future hardware like the Ocolus Rift and Virtuix Omni?

- Is there already a roadmap set for after the release on the 12 of September including DLC's, Features, Expansions, etc?

- There have been a lot of populair feature requests on the feedback tracker including the use of Bipods, improved explosion graphics, wounding system and improvements of AI. How will these requests be handeled now that game is approaching its release date?

Edited by Speeeedy.com

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