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HEMTT Config help

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Hi All. Could somebody shed some light on why the following code has issues? Same template was used successfully on the quad but for some reason will not work with the truck (hemtt covered)...so is this a class issue? I see in the A3 Config that I am referring to the correct classname for this truck. (?) Any help would be appreciated

enum {

OrdinalEnum = 2,

destructengine = 2,

destructdefault = 6,

destructwreck = 7,

destructtree = 3,

destructtent = 4,

stabilizedinaxisx = 1,

stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,

stabilizedinaxisy = 2,

stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,

destructno = 0,

stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,

destructman = 5,

destructbuilding = 1


class DefaultEventhandlers;

class CfgPatches


class Zeos_Truck1_Config


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class WeaponFireGun;

class WeaponCloudsGun;

class WeaponFireMGun;

class WeaponCloudsMGun;

class CfgVehicles



class Truck_1_tacops : B_Truck_01_covered_F


displayName = "Tacops Supply Truck 1 (frost camo)";

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"tacops_truck1\truck\Data\body.paa", "tacops_truck1\truck\Data\cover.paa"};



************ Error Log ***************

Error context class Truck_1_tacops : B_Truck_01_covered_F

File c:\users\user\desktop\tacops_truck1\config.cpp, line 35: '/CfgVehicles.B_Truck_01_covered_F': ';' encountered instead of '='

Config : some input after EndOfFile.

Error 3 while parsing

Error in config c:\users\user\desktop\tacops_truck1\config.cpp

w:\C_branch\Poseidon\Arrowhead\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(753) : Class destroyed, but still locked

Error context class Truck_1_tacops : B_Truck_01_covered_F

File c:\users\user\desktop\tacops_truck1\config.cpp, line 35: '/CfgVehicles.B_Truck_01_covered_F': ';' encountered instead of '='

Config : some input after EndOfFile.

Error 3 while parsing

Error in config c:\users\user\desktop\tacops_truck1\config.cpp

w:\C_branch\Poseidon\Arrowhead\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(753) : Class destroyed, but still locked

Cannot load font core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb8

Fonts file \core\data\fonts\lucidaConsoleB8 not found

Cannot load font core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb11

Fonts file \core\data\fonts\lucidaConsoleB11 not found

Creating texture headers file...

2 texture headers saved to file "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ARMAaddons\tacops_truck1\texHeaders.bin"

w:\C_branch\Poseidon\Arrowhead\El\FileServer\fileServer.cpp(2513) : Assertion failed 'req->RefCounter()==1'

Edited by Zeotrope
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Ok got it to work (re wrote the code..must have been a typo).....but with 1 issue. The CAMO2 doesn't seem to evoke the texture for the covered part of the vehicle. Any ideas?

enum {

OrdinalEnum = 2,

destructengine = 2,

destructdefault = 6,

destructwreck = 7,

destructtree = 3,

destructtent = 4,

stabilizedinaxisx = 1,

stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,

stabilizedinaxisy = 2,

stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,

destructno = 0,

stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,

destructman = 5,

destructbuilding = 1


class DefaultEventhandlers;

class CfgPatches


class Tacops_Truck_1


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class WeaponFireGun;

class WeaponCloudsGun;

class WeaponFireMGun;

class WeaponCloudsMGun;

class CfgVehicles


class B_Truck_01_Covered_F;

class tacops_truck1_D : B_Truck_01_Covered_F


displayName = "Tacops Supply Truck 1 (frost camo)";

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"tacops_truck1\truck\Data\body.paa","tacops_truck1\truck\Data\cover.paa"};



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Had a look at the model and the config and the cover does not appear to have a hiddenSelection[].

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