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Is it viable to use damage proxies on a non unit

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total fail on the topic subject, that was meant to be 'Is it viable to use damage proxies on a unit'

I don't know to much about A3's damage system yet, and this is based on what I know about A2, but I am working with A3 now so thought it better to ask here.

With vehicles, when you damage a wheel beyond a certain ratio, the wheel model is replaced with a damaged proxy, using hide, unhide. For example..

class wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide
minValue = -1;
maxValue = 0;
minPhase = -1;
maxPhase = 0;
hideValue = 0.010000;

Would it be viable to do this with a unit? So you would set the named selection as follows:

class left_arm_unhide_stump





minValue = -1;

maxValue = 0;

minPhase = -1;

maxPhase = 0;

hideValue = 0.010000;


Set up the named selctions in memory LOD for 'left_arm_unhide_stump_selection'

Then we would hide the left arm of the model and replace it with a bloody stump when impact is made against the hitpoint 'HitLeftArm'?

Are there any caveats I am not seeing here?

Edited by shinkicker

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in days gone by it was not possible to have both Discrete and Nondiscrete animations on one model

i never looked into al this new uniform rucksack vest etc etc , maybe now its possible to do like you wish , ony way is try and see because your a pioneer :)

If you do have problems its likely the old linit is there of only being able to use the hide of the section using setobjecttxture "" , but now you can hide material too thats probably good way to do it .

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Animating vehicles, sure. But animating core body models (excluding "addons" like cloths and backpacks) ...... no idea. Seems unlikely.

No one did it before and I know many tried. ArmA3 isnt all that different from ArmA2, at the moment.

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