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Discussions for improving Wasteland

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So basically what normally happens in Wasteland these days is that you spend 10 minutes travelling just to find some equipments, than you may die after a few minutes, or spend half an hour ambushing just for some players to show up, and this procedure is somewhat annoying. Let's discuss how to improve player experience.

General setting:

(1)It would be a good idea to place two permanent faction bases on opposing sides of the map with equal distance to areas like Air Field or Old Transmission Station. Note that I'm talking about bases with walls, gates, sentry towers, houses, bunkers, stores, weapon crates(empty) and light vehicles, so that players could really feel attached to them. The base can not be taken by enemies players and there would be alarm if enemies enter a location within 500ms to the base. The base also serves as an essential spawn location for players, and encourages players to stop killing teammates, which drives them into Independent. You can resupply all the basic infantry equipments, rifles, ammo, scopes, in the base without risking getting killed before even becoming combat effective and this will help save the wasted time mentioned earlier.

(2)Natural zones with small seizable bases should be placed in the area between the two opposing bases. Once occupied, it will alert players if enemies approach the area, giving friendly players an idea where to find enemies, and enemy players where to harass you. It would be ideal if the bases are set up on high grounds to provide overwatch for nearby territory. Also note that Independents cannot occupy any area. To further encourage players to fight in natural zones, most missions are to be placed in or near them.

(3)Stores selling high end equipments like APCs or explosives should be placed in the natural zones. Independent players spawn near the natural zones so that they can either ambush factioned players when they try to get some decent firepower, or take advantage when two factions are fighting each other.

(4)Vehicles with thermal vision are vary OP in the game right now, they can spot hidden enemies from 1000m in seconds and eliminate them in even less time. So it is advisable that such vehicles are to be removed from Wasteland until the official game provide us with non-thermal versions of the vehicles. As a result, APCs need to be accompanied by infantries.

(5)Weathers: Currently there's no rainy weather in Wasteland. A lighting storm can cover up weapon firing sound, therefore providing cover for players.

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