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Cancel Trigger or Timer

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I wish to place a 'Detected by OPFOR' trigger on the map. I intend to put a countdown timer within this trigger or create a timer outside of the trigger. Is there a way that anyone can think of that I can stop the trigger or timer from counting if the unit that detected me is !alive.


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I'm having a problem with this, and it's apparently a bug. Normally, you would use a "Timeout" rather than a "Countdown," but even if you kill the detecting unit(s) before the timer times out, then it will fire the trigger anyway (So then, what's the difference between "Countdown" and "Timeout?") It's annoying and I don't know any way to get around this.

Maybe someone, somewhere out there has a simple workaround???

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Name the initial trigger and use another trigger to "DeleteVehicle Triggername" if conditions are met.

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Awful, As I understand it, One is just a straight forward countdown upon activation where as the other one require the trigger to be true for a given amount of time, say a player within the trigger for 10 seconds

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Awful, As I understand it, One is just a straight forward countdown upon activation where as the other one require the trigger to be true for a given amount of time, say a player within the trigger for 10 seconds

Exactly, but it doesn't work like that with "Detect by" because dead units apparently still have detailed memories of who killed them and what side they're on (in the bug report the author mentioned it might have something to do with knowsAbout not resetting when a unit dies). So when you get detected, the "Timeout" timer starts counting down to activation. If you kill the unit that detected you before time runs out, it should prevent the trigger from activating... but it doesn't, the trigger still activates like a "countdown." Froggy's solution should work fine, but I don't know a script to find out what unit detected another unit.

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