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Multi-Environment Ammunitions ( MEA ), supercavitating rounds

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A post was assigned to switch magazines for divers on land with Stanag, in fact in reality a new type of rounds for multi-environment exist. It was request cause of inacurassy of weapon out of water, but in real life it seems much more better. There's no reason to switch ammunitions in and out of water. I've posted a tread on this type of rounds


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Look at my ticket there's some videos to explain better, many applications.

So now with the issue asking for switching type of ammunition out of water for Stanag isn't a good solution. MEA yes it's dual purpose but accurate out of water not like the 5.56 for SDAR. It's an actual tech so imagine that in 2035 it's can be better. Again look my post to understand, MEA rounds are very powerfull, more than ingame now!

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