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Item action config

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Hello, I'm looking for a way to make it so you can use an item in your inventory, I downloaded Scorch's Inventory Items (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21689) and played around with it a bit.

I looked at Dayz's Arma 2 code on how all the use actions were added and it was like this

class ItemActions {
		class Use {
			text = $STR_texthere;
			script = "spawn function;";

I tried this with the bandage in the item pack

class sc_bandage: ItemWatch
	displayName = "Bandage";
	count = 1;
	class ItemInfo
           		mass = 1;
	picture = "\scorch_invitems\images\bandage.paa";
	descriptionShort = "";
	class ItemActions {
		class Use {
			text = "Use Bandage";
			script = "spawn item_hint;";

I had no luck so far tho, I tried looking at how first aid kits were done but no luck there either. Anyone got any idea how I can go about doing this?

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I'm attempting to do the exact same thing bud. If I figure it out, I'll come back and post here. I need to accomplish this as I'm doing a total conversion mod for Arma 3 and this is a must for my spec crafting system. There is a way to do it for sure... just have to figure out how ;)

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they are talking about the right-click popup menu that dayz has for inventory use.

dayz does it roughly by finding the display of the inventory dialog, then adding click event handlers to intercept and show their own popup. The class ItemActions{} is just a custom one they created, no vanilla functionality. pretty clever.

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Well I figured out how to fire scripts from items directly in the inventory, but what I'm after now is the ability (like DayZ) to fire a script from the "Use" key which is F in arma or spacebar or mouse click.

If I can figure that out, I'll have axes and other melee weapons working in full in Arma 3. I've tried everything :(

This is an example of what DayZ does and I wish it was vanilla... would have been done a week ago. I know the script works as I tried running it via the debug editor.. but nothing seems to fire it from a weapon via the "use" key :(

class ItemActions 
		class Use 
			text = "weeee";
			script = "spawn player_chopWood;";
		class Toolbelt 
			text = "Remove from Toolbelt";
			script = "spawn player_addToolbelt;";
			use[] = {"ItemHatchet"};
			output[] = {"MeleeHatchet"};

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Hey Gents,


I am trying to create an inventory object that you can have in say your backpack, drop on the ground, and then have a scroll wheel action. I have made the item, but i am having trouble with doing the userActions. I have made 2 objects that can be places in the editor with these functions, but i am trying to create a smaller portable station that someone can carry with them. I Was thinking that maybe i have to make a vehicle and then in the CfgWeapons call the vehicle when i create the item? If anyone can help please let me know. I am able to provide coding if you want to see what I have so far.



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