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Trigger via Inventory Item

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Does anyone know how I would go about setting a trigger that would activate upon a player having a radio in their inventory? I've tried looking around cant seem to find an answer and I am not feeling productive anymore trying to figure it out on my own.

In short, this part of the mission would involve a player obtaining a radio from a given location once the radio is received it would set the trigger which would synchronize the player with the support requester to allow them the ability to call in a supply drop or CAS.

Once called in the player should no longer be synced to the support requester (if that requires deleting the radio upon calling support so be it). Also if the player is no longer in possession of the radio it should remove synchronization.

I understand how to do all of it except setting the trigger based on the inventory item and removing the synchronization after the player uses the support or drops the radio.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by 51-50

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