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IA convoy to drive on road

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I don't know what I am doing wrong: 2 trucks + 1 escorting BTR as leader, all of them have full skill, formation set to none, but they don't want just to drive as a column on the road, following waypoints. The 3 vehicules fight against other, they brake, run out of road, BTR likes to go straight forward across forest... Please help !

How to plan a simple 3 vehicules column convoy from Kamino to Mike26, without any other feature ? Should I script something ?

Many thanks for tour help :-)

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set the behaviour to "careless" or try norrin's convoy script !! ;)

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- Place them already in a column

- Group them, obviously

- Give the first vehicle (the leader) the highest rank

- Give the 2nd vehicle a lower rank

- Give the 3rd vehicle a even lower rank

- make a waypoint not far away from their starting position with speed limited, formation column and behaviour safe

- then make the other move waypoints with no extra settings

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What I already did:

- Place them already in a column

- Group them, obviously

- Give the first vehicle (the leader) the highest rank

- make a waypoint not far away from their starting position

- then make the other move waypoints with no extra settings

What I tried:

- Give the 2nd vehicle a lower rank & Give the 3rd vehicle a even lower rank <= no need, same rank for 2nd & 3rd and it is OK

- with speed limited, <= no need, you can set full speed, no matter

- formation column <= no need, they will keep the same column order as their initial position with formation = "none"

- and behaviour safe <= THAT DOES THE JOB

In careless & safe mode => they just break as required, keep their position on road, then move again

In aware & combat mode => I guess that they don't like not to move for safety reasons => they drive aside, leading them to crasy situations (one truck bumping to another one and so on)

In stealth mode => It is very weird: they keep larger separation in-between, sometimes they change speed, go a bit out of road, then back again... I don't understand exactely what they are trying to do to become stealth.

Anyway, GREAT THANKS MAN :bounce3:

It may be something that almost any mission-maker guy knows, but I am new to Arma so... :o

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Hi guys i need to be able to have a convoy drive from one waypoint to another. But if the convoy is attacked i need the fllowing to happen.

Car 1 have driver and 2 soldiers.

car 1 goes to waypoint 1.

Soldier 1 and 2 eject and goes waypoint 2.

Car 1 is not moving.

Soldier 1 and 2 goes back into the car 1.

Car 1 is moving to waypoint 3.

If car 1 is destroyed then respawn after 10 min.

If soldier 1/2 or driver were killed, don't respawn them until car will be destroyed.

Can some on link me to a script or make a script so this is possible ?

Thanks guys :yay:

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