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Attempting to mod ArmA 2, completely failing at every part.

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I have Combined Operations updated to the latest build. I have the beta patch, cba_A3, but even that has problems. After that, with ACE all the way down there are problems with every mod that causes the game to not launch. Literally, every single mod has a problem that prevents it from launching.

I'm very new to the game and am attempting this for the first time, but every turn for information on the internet is a dead end.

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CBA_A3 is for Arma 3. You want CBA_CO.

Side note: if you were not using the expansion beta patch, you would need CBA, CBA_A2, and CBA_OA instead.

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Thanks for the reply. I've tried CBA_CO as well, with different but similar results. Here are some pictures of my order and the error message I get initially when attempting to start all mods:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k526/blaze1093/Untitled1.png (714 kB)

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k526/blaze1093/Untitled3.png (656 kB)

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The error message is telling you that a user config file is missing.

You should have a folder called "ace" in the UserConfig folder in ../Arma2 (or whatever your main game directory is called). It should contain three files by default:




Most likely either the files are missing, or they are in the wrong place, or you didn't create the "ace" sub-folder in UserConfig. Many mods have user configs (.hpp) files, and these have to be correctly installed or the mods will not work correctly. They must be placed in appropriatelyy-named subfolders in UserConfig.

There's an Armaholic FAQ on setting up mods that could be worth your time reading.

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Thank you very much for your responses. 99% of my problem was the fact that I wasn't launching with the 'beta' .exe... found out it existed by accident. :P

Putting the files in the proper subfolders fixed everything else. All mods up and running! I can't wait to die immediately.

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