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Custom loadout not working for me, but everyone else

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recently I started noticing a very annoying problem. I play a lot of self-made missions with a group of friends of mine; in order to change up the loadouts, we use the mod LEA, which basically creates a loadout script through a GUI. It does work flawlessly when I test it out in the editor/preview, and works in multiplayer as well. For everyone but me. Sometimes I get the changed loadouts, sometimes I just spawn with the stock gear of the class I'm playing as. No one else seems to have these problems, only me, and it gets more frequent every day I play, it seems. This happens on missions I made, as well on those my friends made. I've tried deactivating every single mod that is not required for the missions we play, but the problem persists. We also started standing completely still on mission startup for a few seconds in order to let all the scripts load, but I still have the problem. I'm pretty sure it's something on my end, but I really don't know what.

I don't think the problem is related to the mod LEA, since I have that deactivated while playing as well, so I suppose this is the subforum my problem belongs to. Anyone else who ever encountered the same kind of problem and succesfully solved it?

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I have experienced some glitches when using LEA-scripted loadouts in missions, so I stopped using it for that purpose. Now I just use simple custom loadout scripts. Using LEA as an addon has always worked fine, though.

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