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Frustrating LOD(?) issue

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Hello All,

Recently moved over to using Blender and have taken advantage Alwarrens arma toolbox for blender addon.

I have everything ported over to O2. Have all my LODS from 0.00 up to 5.000 + Geometry, Land_Contact.

With DX enabled I can see my uv maps are correct.

The problem is that once in game I don't see my textures until I am right up close to the models. I thought this might have been the 0.00 lod, but its the same as all the others and I can't spot anything wrong?

This might be one of those issues that are hard to find the root cause for (considering the conversion from blender), but I though it still worth a try in here.

Here is a video which makes it easier to see what I am on about.


Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.



Edited by shinkicker

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That is odd.....


1.) Are you using any materials on those faces?

2.) Do you have ANY other resolution LODs, if so how many?

3.) Does the model give any errors in the .log file when binning? or in A2's rpt?

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Dam, sorry! Apologies ADuke823 / Gnat. I should have updated this thread!

It was due to me using a render engine that was non compatible with the P3D import script!

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