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Check if already got used one Time

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What i already got:

The Object:

]class CustomAmmoBox : RUBasicAmmunitionBox{

	scope = 2;
	destrType = "DestructBuilding"; 
	//cost = 100;
	armor = 400;
	offset[] = {0,2.5,1.3};
	displayName = "AmmoBox";
	vehicleClass = "CustomAmmoBox";
	transportMaxMagazines = 500;
	transportMaxWeapons = 500;
	transportMaxBackpacks = 500;
	class TransportMagazines{}; 
       class TransportWeapons{}; 
	class EventHandlers
              init = "(_this select 0) setVariable['opened',false,true]";



and coded is:

	if(_isCrate and _cursorTarget getVariable["opened",false] == false and("ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) and _isAlive) then{
and then inside of the Added Action(create is the object) _create setVariable["opened",true]

But if(_isCrate and _cursorTarget getVariable["opened",false] == false and("ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) and _isAlive) then

that part is not working, could someone help me?

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Please don't be offended but we can't do anything for you if all what you're doing is showing us some variables but not how they're getting their values :D

Expand your script to show us how all the local variables get their values, then we can help you ^^

(PS: It wouldn't hurt to describe the underlying scenario, we know that you want to check if your ammobox got used, but then again why checking the crowbar?^^)

I dont see any errors in your if-structure so I guess it has to do something with how you assign the values.

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private ["_box","_item","_config","_create","_qty","_type","_count","_itemTypes","_lootChance","_while_count"];
_qty = 10;
_box = _this select 3;
if (TradeInprogress or ((_box getVariable "opened") == "1") ) exitWith {};
diag_log _box;

TradeInprogress = true;

_config = 		configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "MilitarySpecial";
_itemTypes = [] + getArray (_config >> "itemType");
_lootChance =	getNumber (_config >> "lootChance");
_count = -1;
_while_count= (_qty + 2);
diag_log format["Start While:  %1",_while_count];
while { _while_count >0} do
cutText [ format["Items:  %1",_while_count], "PLAIN DOWN"];
_while_count = _while_count -1;
_count = _count + 1;
_item = _itemTypes select (random (count itemTypes +1)) ;
_type = _item select 1;
_create = _item select 0;
if(_type == "magazine") then {

_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_create,round(random _qty)];
cutText [ format["addMagazineCargoGlobal:  %1",_create], "PLAIN DOWN"];
diag_log format["addMagazineCargoGlobal:  %1",_create]; 
if(_type == "weapon") then {
_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_create,round(random _qty)];
cutText [ format["addWeaponCargoGlobal:  %1",_create], "PLAIN DOWN"];
diag_log format["addWeaponCargoGlobal:  %1 + %2",_create,round(random _qty)] ;
if(_type == "backpack") then {
_box addBackpackCargoGlobal  [_create,round(random _qty)];
cutText [ format["addBackpackCargoGlobal:  %1",_create], "PLAIN DOWN"];
diag_log format["addBackpackCargoGlobal:  %1",_create];

_create setVariable["opened",'1',true];
player playActionNow "Medic";
sleep 6;
cutText ["Opened supply crate.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
TradeInprogress = false;
player reveal _box;


_cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
_isCrate = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["CustomAmmoBox","Crate"];
if((_isCrate and (_cursorTarget getVariable "opened") == "0" and("ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) and _isAlive)) then{
	diag_log("Da wird sie Aktiviert") ;
	if(s_player_opencrate <0) then {
	s_player_opencrate = player addAction [localize "str_open_crate", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\breach_crate.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];

	diag_log("Da fliegt die Action naus"); 
	player removeAction s_player_opencrate;
	s_player_opencrate = -1;

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_typeOfCursorTarget where does that come from shouldn't it be typeof _cursortarget

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okay, how about we do some flashlight debugging (the fav. sentence of my prof.):

Output all individual expressions of your if-clause and see if they're getting the value you hope for.

hint format ["is a crate: %1\nis opened: %2\nhas crowbar: %3\nis alive: %4", str _isCrate, _cursorTarget getVariable "opened", str("ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer), str _isAlive];

If isCrate is false, try using

_cursorTarget isKindOf "CustomAmmoBox"

this will check for children in the config as well.

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Working now Thanks.

got a second question do u know where i could get a list of all objects with pictures? and i dont mean classes i just mean the p3d's

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