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Aid station script..

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Is there an aid station script; a repair area for humans. There's already a vehicle and helo service area.

Its not always feasible to have 8 medics with every major unit on the battlefield. But having the ability to throw someone on the bird and send'em back for recovery would be neat.

Edited by chaz69

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At the moment mate there isn't. There will be "hospital" buildings in the game though at some point.

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hey...replied to this old thread because i would ask whats about the hospital building / container ? is there something like that ?

i arma2 were medic tents and also specials medivac cars like m113. here is only the big unprotected Medicial HEMMT. I need a car to heal and evac in battle area

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thank you, but how can i place this 2 buildings i cant find it in editor?

how coild i do this with addAction ?

i dont know why this buildings are hidden in editor and so on.

Edited by nightshift

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