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Place a naval minefield around the southern part of Stratis

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Hi guys,

is there a "simple" way to place a naval minefield around the whole southern part of the island?

I want to make it impossible for ships including SDV's to pass through an area around the southern island. Ofcourse, I can place a minefield with the module in the editor, but I can't see the actual dimension of the minefield, instead you just see the icon for the module (or I do not know a way of displaying it). So is there a script I can use for this? Or can this be written?

I'm fairly new to ArmA editing, so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you very much!

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Modules -> Sites -> Minefield

You can get it to mark on the map as well.

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I can't see the actual dimension of the minefield, instead you just see the icon for the module (or I do not know a way of displaying it).

Thank you very much!

I make a temporary marker the same shape and dimensions as you define in the module and place it over the icon for the minefield this allows for exact positioning, then delete the marker once finsihed. :)

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You can setup the exact dimensions of the field. Use 100m or 1km and then place in the exact middle of the Map Grid. Use landmarks from X to Y to 'know', or set down Markers to 'see' while playing. There are a zillion Marker types, colors, etc you can use. You can set these when map/mission making AND you can even set and mark on Map WHILE you are playing in real-time. (double-click RMB I think, then use arrows to adjust?) Something to think about anyway.

Any context to your map/mission? Helps to give examples and detail in here as this game is so customizable and there are many different ways to do the same thing. My 2 cents.

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