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How to exit a dialog menu and return to player.

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Well so far I have not read one bit of info on how to exit a dialog fully ingame, Now even tho closedialog seems to work it still doesn't return you back to player control!.

Does ne1 know ?

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Oh, Come on People throw me a fricken bone already!

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Closedialog 0 works very well for me, after this test.

Put a trigger activate by alpha radio, in the on activation field put mydialog = createDialog "DlgConsole"

(mydialog type boolean is true after the activation of alpha)

Create a second trigger with anybody present with big area (a condition always true for using countdown), activate countdown after 5 seconds (put 5 5 5)

In condition : mydialog and this

On activation : closedialog 0

The dialog will close after 5 seconds.

An other tip : closedialog -1 , not work, 1000 or 0 or 0.005 work


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Yea, it just closes the topmost dialog. Maybe your problem is you have 2 or 3 dialogs on at the same time?

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You can't have 2 dialogs at the same time on the screen, it always close the topmost dialog. You can call a dialog in a dialog but the caller dialog desepears but not close, if you close the new dialog you can see again the caller dialog.

You can try this with "console"...

The number after closedialog is not stack number this not works like addaction when you create a dialog the value is a boolean not a number.

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