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Base-fobs-towns WIP

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I've made few bases templates etc last few weeks to make the most of stratis I decided to put them on 1 map and share them would like some feedback before I add more areas there still may need some tweaking and expand some villages, left teleport on and markers to easily check areas





some pics


editor less objects

single hesco barriers less object slightly



this template was meant to use a FEW AREAS DELETE REST otherwise its a lag fest for weaker computers due to all the objects,

My dropbox is the most recent version

no addons needed

thanks a lot guys

Armaholic -

Base FOBs Towns

Edited by Blitzer134

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Some very nice additions and fortifications. My first impression is you've gone a bit trigger happy with the H-Barriers in the Airport. Having them stacked 3 x high feels a little claustrophobic.

Perhaps this was the first place you designed, as I moved throughout the map I could see you had made better application of the barriers.

The only other couple of points I saw were a few of your helipads were either too close to trees, or had vegitation growing in the middle of them. I see you used grasscutter but that doesn't flatten vegetation, (Get it sorted Bohemia!!). Perhaps consider moving them a few meters to avoid these situations?

Also you could do with straightening out some of the radio towers out.

Apart from that, what you've done is very good. I can certainly see some good use of this, and I look forward to your next release.

To help you on your way, you might also like to try out this post for some additional information. Enhanced-Stratis-by-afroVoodoo

(Also you'd get wider notice if you posted your update in the ARMA-3-BETA-USER-MISSIONS thread.)

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Do you have any pictures of these templates?


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https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v1vqbg9p8syfq8x/Uo-EecTLto Some pics of new version will convert pics and figure out how to post later

*removed 1 fob added 2 small villages

*slightly moved helipad

*straightened transmitter

*removed some H-barriers still kept airbase spawnpoint protected

updated first post will still need some tweaking when I get some time

Edited by Blitzer134

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https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v1vqbg9p8syfq8x/Uo-EecTLto Some pics of new version will convert pics and figure out how to post later

*removed 1 fob added 2 small villages

*slightly moved helipad

*straightened transmitter

*removed some H-barriers still kept airbase spawnpoint protected

updated first post

Cool.. Will check it out.

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You said you wanted feedback. Well, I wouldn't look to that "Enhanced Stratis" for additional information as someone suggested. Just cause you put buildings and barriers doesn't make something enhanced. It has to make sense. You have so much going on that it might take away some fps, and so far, around building and cities, the fps already drop. You just have way too much going on. Taking it as a whole it's overboard. like the person saying that stacking H barriers 3 high was a little claustrophobic. Pretty much the entire base is doesn't need anything. There is no need for all the h barriers and especially the bunkers. There's no need for everything inside because everyone inside would be friendly. Putting all that stuff on the outskirts of the base might make sense but not inside. You also put Huge Radar where it doesn't make any sense.

Now that I've said that, one thing i'm ignoring is you saying that you "put them all together on one map". If you put it in a mission instead of a template people can cut away things. Like me for example, I would delete the entire base but maybe leave some other things on other parts of the island. I can't do that with a template. Also, if you promote it as some kind of special game, or special obstacle course or killing field rather than telling everyone it's a base or FOB or anything real. On the real scale it makes little sense but if you tell me its a good place for multiplayer tournaments then what you did is awesome. You have made an island that is a perfect place to hide and defend etc. Similar to a movie like "Running man" or something like that. Then what you did is very interesting and good.

But reality wise, look at documentaries and things like that where you can see real bases and real FOBs. THey usually have space. not everything has a high wall built up next to everything. Especially helicopter landing pads. I don't know about yours but most FOB templates have only enough room for a helicopter to land when in real life walls would never be that close. Addons like "enhanced Stratis" just put stuff where they want things rather than what makes sense. Everyone who wants to make serious addons like this where they place buildings and other things like that need to keep one thing in mind; Add to Stratis, "enhance" Stratis. Look at what bi did and build on to that. The people who made Stratis took a lot of things in mind. They didn't just put buidlings in clearings just because it was flat enough to have one. One of the worst people do is make FOB's. They put them everywhere. even near bases. Stratis is a small island. The island is a base. There would be no FOB's. Camps are just areas to make sure every section is somewhat covered. FOB's and camps are very different. Add to what bi did and make it bi quality. And keep in mind, AI won't like the buidlings you place.

What you made is good for playing on but not for making sense. If I played multiplayer I would play this. In OA this is all I did was placing things with the RTE. I never released them but now, there is not really a good 3d editor so I look more to things like this. One thing that you need is "this setVectorUp [0,0,1];" I see some of your walls leaning towards the direction of the ground. If you use that code for (mostly) everything, it will keep them straight. But good work don't let my response take you in any direction you want to go. And I don't know a whole lot about what I'm talking about, but don't look at other addons that arent' very good either. Do what you want. This was just feedback from some random jerk. I hope some of it helps, and ignore the rest.

Edited by victim913

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*this template is meant to use a base fob and delete the rest I only used 1 maybe 2 in a mission otherwise its a lag fest,

*I know it still needs some tweaking will sort out when I have time

*the walls around helipads are to minimise damage when some guy crashes stuff

some pics of hesco/h-barriers


*radars was for destroy mission to deny enemy comms etc

*radar at airbase not making sense?

*Ai don't like much anyways lol

*personally I like the enhanced straits adds a different scenery to a well played map I only use some part at one time though

thanks for feedback

any feedback is good feedback.

Edited by Blitzer134

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*finished removing H-barriers at airbase

*increased helipad lighting intensity

*added small vehicle checkpoint template

*levelled more walls/objects

*removed some bunkers at airbase

*few other small changes

Edited by Blitzer134

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Nice work Blitzer we used it in our mission last night :) and it worked a treat , adds a lot more depth to the game .

Great work & thanks from 1PARA :)

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thanks Blitzer used both versions in my missions newest version lot less strain on server and smaller size is better for my missions i would recommend as you said to use only a few areas or will strain some computers thanks for sharing these makes stratis feel a little diffrent

Also i delete the areas after the mission is complete to save some fps

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thanks tyler was thinking of putting a trigger on there so people could easily delete areas after leaving objective ( thanks to F2k Sel )

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