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[PvP 5 - beta] Manhunt

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A mission by Valax



After the failed OPFOR invasion of Stratis some troops were left behind in the retreat. The person playing the OPFOR officer must survive against the four independent operatives who are tasked with killing him. The four people playing as the independent operatives have to track him down and kill him. A marker will update with his position each minute. He will escape in half an hour: be quick!


  • PvP gameplay
  • Uses the whole of Stratis
  • Weapon caches that can be used or destroyed
  • Helis, cars, trucks
  • Random spawn
  • Hospital
  • Many more






  • Added boats
  • Added parameters to change marker refresh of the officer and time of day
  • Removed the AI independent base (Kamino Firing Range) where you could get GMG Striders

Edited by valax

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A fun game type, thanks.

If the Officer tries to enter one of the OpForce choppers, the game crashes.

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Very nice mission. Me and my buddys already had a lot of fun with it. Big improvement that the GMG Striders were removed. Also the two other added parameters (daytime and marker refresh time) are very nice to have.

Thx a lot for this

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very fun mission.

As I wrote in armaholic:

There is an error about something missing before starting the mission. -> It is actually the civilian sites, that were removed from the editor, so now there are no civilian sites in the map, but they still are present in the code.

And there should be a vehicle respawn for at least quads, so if people die they can take at least those to move.

Another suggestion is that the marker may be a zone and not a point, so if the Officer decides to stay in one place and defend a place, the hunters will not know exactly where he is.

And last: my friends and I think it would be perfect to have the possibility of 2 preys (maybe one bluefor, and one opfor so they can kill each other too) and 6 hunters, thus making the mission playable for 8 people. -> I actually just edited the mission to try this, but haven't tested it yet and I don't know if the two officers setting will work,. I think I managed to create a marker for each one. If you want I can send you the mission on private so you can see what I did. I will not publish it anywhere as all the credit is just yours.

Apart from these details (mainly the error, the other two are just suggestions that we think may improve gameplay), the mission is very good. Lots of fun hunting each other

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I have an idea of changing the marker over the officer to an area (Like your position on the map in expert difficulty). Adding respawning vehicles shouldn't be too hard either.

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Hey valax, my friends and I love the mission.

Any chance you can also add weather parameters? It would be nice to have more than just foggy/stormy weather. Also, maybe add some more player slots, vehicles, officer spawns, etc.?

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