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Fixed wing transports.

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Will we be getting any fixed wing transports in beta for dev build in beta or maybe just in full release?If so any idea what would it be?C-17,A400M,upgraded version of the C-130?And what features would they have?Would they only be able to transport troops or do other things like carry ammo supply crates,vehicles etc.I havent seen lots of discussion revolving around transport planes so I was a bit curious about the subject.

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There were pictures of an v-22 osprey, so it will probably be in the game. well, technically that is not a fixed wing, but you could fly it, like it was one;)

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Looks like you missed this thread here. There probably won't be any fixed-wings in beta, but there will be in the full release. This thread here shows every or at least most vehicles, weapons and other features listed. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?119512-Arma-3-Confirmed-features-info-amp-discussion

Cool, thanks.

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