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Strange projectile trajectory? Not sure what i got wrong in my config

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I have been playing about with trying to get a bullet to fly at 100m/s (for a mod)

below is my config. Waht happens is when fired the bullet arcs instantly from the muzzle in a trajectory, but i would prefer it to leave the muzzle straight and then dip later on

class CfgPatches {

class Tw_Rifle_Mxf {

requiredaddons[] = {};

requiredversion = 0.1;

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {Tw_Rifle_Mxf};

magazines[] = {"Tw_130rnd_6mm_bb"};



/*external*/ class Mode_SemiAuto;

/*external*/ class Mode_Burst;

/*external*/ class Mode_FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons {

/*extern*/ class arifle_MX_Base_F;

class Tw_Rifle_Mxf: arifle_MX_Base_F {

begin1[ ] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1.778280, 1, 700};

begin2[ ] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1.778280, 1, 700};

begin3[ ] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1.778280, 1, 700};

closure1[ ] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6.wav", 1, 1, 300};

closure2[ ] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6.wav", 1, 1.100000, 300};

descriptionshort = "Handgun<br />Caliber: 6 mm";

dexterity = 2;

dispersion = 0.003000;

displayname = "rifle 6mm";

drysound[ ] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\other\dry1.wav", 0.010000, 1, 20};

cratereffects = "";

initspeed = 100;

magazines[ ] = {"tw_18rnd_6mm_bb"};

model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Rifles\MX\MXC_F.p3d";

maxrange = 100;

maxrangeprobab = 0.04;

midrange = 50;

midrangeprobab = 0.58;

minrange = 1;

minrangeprobab = 0.3;

picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Rifles\MX\data\UI\gear_mx_cqc_X_CA.paa";

recoil = "recoil_pistol";

recoilprone = "recoil_pistol";

reloadaction = "GestureReloadPistol";

reloadmagazinesound[ ] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\HicappaReload3.wav", 1, 1, 30};

reloadtime = 0.130000;

scope = 2;

soundbegin[ ] = {"begin1", 0.330000, "begin2", 0.330000, "begin3", 0.340000};

soundclosure[ ] = {"closure1", 0.500000, "closure2", 0.500000};

uipicture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\UI\icon_regular_CA.paa";

weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle";

class Library {

libtextdesc = "an aeg.";


class WeaponSlotsInfo {

mass = 7;

class MuzzleSlot {

compatibleitems[] = {"muzzle_snds_h"};

linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE";


class CowsSlot {


class PointerSlot {



class Single: Mode_SemiAuto {

begin1[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 1200};

begin2[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 1200};

closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};

closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_7.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};

dispersion = 0.00093;

maxrange = 100;

maxrangeprobab = 0.2;

midrange = 50;

midrangeprobab = 0.7;

minrange = 2;

minrangeprobab = 0.5;

recoil = "recoil_single_mx";

recoilprone = "recoil_single_prone_mx";

reloadtime = 0.096;

soundbegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5};

soundclosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5};

weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle";


class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto {

begin1[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 1200};

begin2[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 1200};

closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};

closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_7.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};

dispersion = 0.00093;

maxrange = 100;

maxrangeprobab = 0.1;

midrange = 50;

midrangeprobab = 0.7;

minrange = 0;

minrangeprobab = 0.9;

recoil = "recoil_auto_mx";

recoilprone = "recoil_auto_prone_mx";

reloadtime = 0.096;

soundbegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5};

soundclosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5};

weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle";


class single_medium_optics1: Single {

airateoffire = 6;

airateoffiredistance = 600;

maxrange = 700;

maxrangeprobab = 0.1;

midrange = 550;

midrangeprobab = 0.7;

minrange = 2;

minrangeprobab = 0.2;

requiredoptictype = 1;

showtoplayer = 0;


class single_far_optics2: single_medium_optics1 {

requiredoptictype = 2;


class fullauto_medium: FullAuto {

airateoffire = 2;

burst = 3;

maxrange = 150;

maxrangeprobab = 0.05;

midrange = 75;

midrangeprobab = 0.7;

minrange = 2;

minrangeprobab = 0.5;

showtoplayer = 0;




class CfgMagazines {

/*extern*/ class CA_Magazine;

class Tw_130rnd_6mm_bb: CA_Magazine {

ammo = "Tw_6mm_bb";

count = 120;

descriptionshort = "Caliber: 6mm<br />Rounds: 30<br />Used in: ";

displayname = "13rnd 6mm mag";

initspeed = 100;

lastroundstracer = 0;

mass = 5;

picture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\ui\m_30stanag_caseless_CA.paa";

model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";

scope = 2;

tracersevery = 1;



class CfgAmmo {

/*extern*/ class BulletBase;

class tw_6mm_bb: BulletBase {

airfriction = -0.001200;

caliber = 0.200000;

cartridge = "FxCartridge_65_caseless";

cost = 100;

hit = 40;

model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_white";

nvgonly = 0;

craterEffects = "bb_impact_Null";

tracerendtime = 1;

tracerscale = 0.500000;

tracerstarttime = 0.050000;

typicalspeed = 20;



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The trajectory also depends on some degree to the distance the sights on your weapon are zeroed to.

If you have a slow-moving projectile it needs a lot of initial angular elevation, in order to drop down back cross the bore-axis again, several hundred meters down-range at the distance where the sights are zeroed.

You can reduce this initial arc by making a version the weapon+sights that are zeroed for sub-100m ranges, more in keeping with your projectile's low muzzle velocity. Having a really tiny airfriction coefficient for the ammo may also help keep the trajectory flat, but the projectile wont loose speed as realistically as it probably should.

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Overdone airfriction (high) values can very well cause that behaviour on their own.

Noticed it during making the paintball mod configs, almost drove me nutz.

Edited by Mr Burns

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