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Userfriendly Editor?

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Are you just going to lurk my comments. "New around these parts" oh yeah my join date to these cancerous forums, yeah that's indicative of how long I've been supporting BIS, yep got me there, you're so smart it amazes me, you must be super popular and awesome here on the BIS forums, you should get a medal.

Perhaps my that phrase is being taken a bit more seriously than I intended. My main point was that your statement is (imo) flawed. Numerous people take issue with numerous things. This is not the first time the editor has been brought up. A quick glance at the arma 2 forums should show it. Hence my "you must be new here" as in unfamiliar with issues.





Also before you think I am "bashing " you about your join date perhaps you should look at mine?

I also dont see this irrational opposition. I see a disagreeing on the definition of user-friendliness and a agreement on adding additional features.

Edited by Masharra

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With some triggers and synchronization you can do some pretty advanced stuff, and 'standard'* missions with objectives can easily be made completely from within the editor. I doubt StarEdit lets you create entire gamemodes or nonstandard functions from scratch without any scripting.

*Standard as in standard army objectives like capturing/killing/extracting x people in a certain area, which usually covers most standard missions.

Yes, that is plain truth. But however, the beginners are looking for predefined Ammocrates, respawn-modules for enemies, vehicles and players.

Nowadays the players are affected by heavy scripted missions (Domination, Warfare, Wasteland) and simply believe that all the features are in-built in ArmA. But it is not. The user-made scripts are solid ingredients in the most successful online missions. The amount of user-made functions is growing. In fact, this makes it beginner-unfriendly like never before.

What if the mission editor could be extended with those addons?

I remember, when I was playing a multiplayermission, when one was buying units or static defences, one had a construction menu for fortifications, barricades and sandsack-walls. The building-preview was very precise, one could place the items flawlessly. Such a Editor-mission would give you also the possibility to switch to a enemy, move it to your liking (height, position, direction) and switch back to the "mission maker-avatar". After that, the mission should be stored automatically.

I don't have a suggestion how this can be used in the ArmA3-Mission editor, but it could clearly solve the problems how to set the sandsackwalls and how to find the proper height of the units. One could even use this technic to put some scubadiver-suits into a boat or to equip a unit.

Edited by Mirudes

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