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Weapons Handling

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Overall I think the weapons handling with the new stances are pretty good. There are few points that would be be good to have.

1. Sights when side proned (ctrl+q/e when prone). It would be nice to be able to bring up the sights in this stance. In the current state it is not very useful because it is very hard to aim when in this stance. Can anyone with real experience handling rifles chime in on whether it is possible?

2. Rifle in ready to fire position when moving prone. Currently if you go prone and start moving, your soldier starts moving the rifle along with his crawl which prevents you from firing until approximately a half second to a second after you stop moving. It would be nice to be able to have the rifle ready to fire even when moving prone because sometimes you are trying to inch along a ridgeline or something to get a quick shot on a contact. This is even more needed for when you have your sights up. Sometimes you are just trying to move slightly to align a shot but when prone, your soldier completely lowers the weapon to move before bringing it back up again.

My proposed change would be implemented this way: "walking" prone speed = rifle always up and ready to fire. This should be a bit slower move speed than the current one to account for having to keep the rifle up. "Tactical walking" prone speed = rifle always up but with more sway than then the default "walking" prone speed. "Run" or "sprint" prone speed = weapon lowered and speed is the same as it currently is. When sights are up, moving will not lower them and the slower you are, the less sway the rifle should experience, the faster you are the more sway.

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Can anyone with real experience handling rifles chime in on whether it is possible?

Possible maybe, but not really practical during a battle. IRL it's a useless stance, just like in game at the moment.

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At this time there seems to only be "sprint" and "walk" prone speeds.

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