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Helicopter pitch automatically levels...

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With ArmA 3, is it possible to disable the automatic pitch leveling system in helicopters?

It's annoying to have to constantly give downward pitch input when just trying to maintain a speed and cruise...

I'm sort of looking for how it's like in Take On: Helicopters, where the nose will hold at the pitch you set it to.

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Maybe the automatic hover is on? When it's automatically leveling scroll down on your mouse wheel and click "Turn Autohover off".

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Maybe the automatic hover is on? When it's automatically leveling scroll down on your mouse wheel and click "Turn Autohover off".

Oh no. Definitely isn't autohover. I'm just talking about that slight slight upwards pitching when you have the nose below the horizon.

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It is annoying me as well, both using mouse and flight stick has this issue. The aircraft does slowly raise it's nose, I don't know why.

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It's the air foil. weathervane effect. Same reason pedals don't work at high speed.

Some helos have horizontal stabalizers --the air-stream pushes the tail down at high speed.

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