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Remove Parachutes

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Alright, something screwy is going on with the parachutes and it's crashing our server intermittently. I've pulled them off of VAS, but how do I take them out of the choppers? I've tried removing backpacks to no avail.

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I think parachutes are related to backpacks.

From what I can tell, parachutes are only available if you are wearing the backpack: B_Parachute.

I could be wrong though, I didn't test it that much.

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This post is about removing parachutes from the Helicopters guys. I don't need to run a report to see that the dedicated and local servers have 2-4 hours of uptime running Insurgency and our Training Base and immediately start crashing moments after we start HALO jumping and we can reproduce the crashes endlessly. I also know what the parachute is called seeing as I had to put its class name into VAS to disable it.

I simply want them removed as best I can. I disabled them in VAS, now I just need to find the code for pulling them from the Chopper cargo slots. If anyone knows a way to kill them completely, i.e. not even being able to pull them out of a saved config in VAS, I'd appreciate the help!

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cant simply remove them with:

clearMagazineCargoGlobal vehicle;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle;


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Worked perfectly, thank you so much! I've been erroneously trying to use the remove commands.

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cant simply remove them with:

clearMagazineCargoGlobal vehicle;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle;


clearItemCargoGlobal vehicle;

clearBackpackCargoGlobal vehicle;

as well (for removing other stuff)

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Is that some special scripting, or stuff that goes in the INIT box? Because when I add to INIT I get an error that says "Invalid Number In Expression".

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Ok guys, I'm encountering this problem too.

Did anyone find a solution ?

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These parachutes are wacky. How do you let crew parachute? :)

This will remove the parachutes (and other backpacks if any) from an helo's inventory:

clearBackpackCargoGlobal this;

Edited by kylania

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