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Collective slow on gamepads ?

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Helicopter Collective control is very slow, I have tried two separate gamepads, a 360 controller and a generic dual analog gamepad and both have incredibly slow collective response compared to the respective key inputs.

I'm wanting to fly RC mode two style with collective and rudder on the left stick and cyclic on the right. The collective is visible slower to climb and raise on both gamepads even though in mapping the sticks are both getting +/- 100%.

Any ideas ?

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Noticed the same problem yesterday.

I thought it was fine when using the L/R Triggers bound to Collective(Analog). But the downside is. If you press nothing, it triggers collective down ;(

Another possibility would be to use those tools that map gamepad buttons to keyboard actions and map it that way.

Anyway, we should open up a ticket on the feedback tracker.

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I thought it was fine when using the L/R Triggers bound to Collective(Analog). But the downside is. If you press nothing, it triggers collective down ;(

There had been a discussion about this already in the helicopter thread. Please search before you post a new thread :)

Tickets are already all over the feedback tracker.

There are actually two different issues:

1) analog controls do not translate in 100% movement ingame even if axis is at 100% - noticable in choppers cyclic, vehicles turning (not sure if still is).

2) analog axis on controllers (i.e. triggers, up/down axis on a thumbpad) that self zero (unlike thrust lever on joysticks) result in dropping collective to zero and you falling unless you keep the axis up. Whereas thrust axis on thrust controller has a middle point where the collective keeps "steady". That is more of a feature of the way the controllers work or are mapped (I guess normal Thrust axis on thrust controller has 0-100% with 50% in the middle for steady hover, whereas a gamepad controller has -100-100% with 0% in the middle). Could be solved with some 3rd party remapping software, or BIS would have to add another separate analog thrust input in the game with different behaviour.

And please be so kind to find the previous thread and continue there :)

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official 360 wireless pad, same issue and also i have to go into controls and highlight the pad and click OK every time to make the pad active after it times out, or the pad is not active on game launch.

Also my xbox controller inputs have been wiped on the last 3 dev updates.

Edited by Bigpickle

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For me it's almost the opposite: with an analog axis I can go up and down fairly rapidly. However, when using keyboard keys, it's slow as molasses.

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