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missile config - cmImmunity

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this is quite useful


but doesn't explain what irtarget does - i guess it enables an irlock?

then this


and this


don't help really, so

can anyone explain what the following do and how the values affect missile behaviour?

Edited by eggbeast

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- man i'm confused - anyone know how this all works?

Edited by eggbeast

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can anyone shed any light at all on missile and bomb locking behaviour?

As far as I can see it works like this:



set the time in seconds that the locking acquisition plays for before the lock (and tone) kicks in


0 = never lock

1 = lock only if autoGuideAT=1 (e.g. in recruit profile)

2 = lock regardless of autoGuideAT profile value



seems to affect the ability of targets to spoof missile with countermeasures: is 0.8 and 80% chance to hit or to miss?


seems to affect the lock type?

"16 + 2" - AA missile - can lock IR and air? (why is javelin set to this?)

"16 + 4" - AT missile - can lock both IR and laser?

"16 + 1" - AT missile - can lock only IR


enabled with weapon having canlock =1 for recruit profile or canlock =2 for all profiles

0 = never lock IR target

1 = lock only if vehicle is defined with irTarget = true; e.g. tank


enabled with weapon having canlock =1 for recruit profile or canlock =2 for all profiles

0 = never lock AIR target

1 = lock only if vehicle is defined with AirTarget = true; e.g. plane


enabled with weapon having canlock =1 for recruit profile or canlock =2 for all profiles

0 = never lock Lasertarget

1 = lock only if vehicle is defined with laserTarget = true;

e.g. a designated LD target or else some kind of practise drone or scripted change in a mission to enable a building to be targeted etc


1 = allow locking with nightvision on?


laserScanner = 1;

Allows vehicle to see laser targets on radar?

e.g. on Su34 / ka52


4 - shows airtargets and irtargets on radar (and enables locks and incomingmissiles to be shown if other settings correct)


manages the flashing icon on radar and sound heard when your vehicle is locked by an airlock or IRlock missile

what do the values mean?

example values:

"8 + 4" - e.g. AW159_Lynx_BAF

8 - e.g. C130J

1118208 - e.g. BAF_Merlin_HC3_D

2 - e.g. CH47_base_EP1


manages playing of sound and shows incoming missile on radar

0 - off e.g. UH60

16 - on e.g. AH64_US_EP1

lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228, 2};

lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228, 6};

the sound combo you get when you're acquiring and holding lock on a target using a qualified weapon


autoGuideAT=1 profile + canlock=1 weapon + IRlock=1 ammo + IRtarget=true vehicle

canlock=2 weapon + IRlock=1 ammo + IRtarget=true vehicle

canlock=2 weapon + AIRlock=1 ammo + AIRtarget=true vehicle

canlock=2 weapon + laserlock=1 ammo + lasertarget=true vehicle

soundLocked[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.00031622776,2};

soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.00031622776,4};

the sound combo you get when your vehicle is locked by an enemy weapon and then when an incoming missile is tracking you (e.g. warning you to use countermeasures/ evasive movement)

Example config entries:

Ammo config:


class M_Stinger_AA: MissileBase

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

airLock = 1;

irLock = 1;

class M_9M311_AA: MissileBase

airLock = 1;

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_Sidewinder_AA: MissileBase

airLock = 1;

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_Strela_AA: MissileBase

airLock = 1;

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_R73_AA: MissileBase

airLock = 1;

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;


class M_Javelin_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_TOW_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

class M_Hellfire_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

laserLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 4";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_Maverick_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

class M_Ch29_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

laserLock = 1;

class M_Vikhr_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

airLock = 1;

laserLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 4";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_AT2_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 1";

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class M_AT5_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

class M_AT10_AT: MissileBase

irLock = 1;

//GBU - laser guided bomb

class Bo_GBU12_LGB: LaserBombCore

nvLock = 1;

laserLock = 1; - assume it must inherit this from laserbombcore

Weapon config:

class SidewinderLaucher: MissileLauncher

type = 65536;

weaponLockSystem = 8;

cmImmunity = 0.8;

weaponLockDelay = 2;

class Stinger: Launcher

canLock = 2;

weaponLockDelay = 3;

weaponLockSystem = 1;

cmImmunity = 0.8;

class 9M311Laucher: MissileLauncher

class Strela: Launcher

canLock = 2;

class R73Launcher: MissileLauncher

(from missilecore) type = 65536;

//AT - assume it inherits canlock=2 from missilelauncher or higher class?

class Javelin: Launcher

canLock = 2;

weaponLockDelay = 6;

class TOWLauncher: MissileLauncher

canLock = 1;

class HellfireLauncher: MissileLauncher

class MaverickLauncher: MissileLauncher

class Ch29Launcher: MissileLauncher

class VikhrLauncher: MissileLauncher

class AT2Launcher: MissileLauncher

canLock = 2;

class AT5Launcher: MissileLauncher

canLock = 1;

class AT10LauncherSingle: AT5Launcher


class BombLauncher: RocketPods

inherits these from rocketpods:

type = 65536;

canLock = 2;

Vehicle config:

class C130J: Plane

radarType = 4;

LockDetectionSystem = 8;

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;


LockDetectionSystem = 8;

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 0;


lockDetectionSystem = "8 + 4";

incommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 0;

class AW159_Lynx_BAF: Helicopter

LockDetectionSystem = "8 + 4";

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;

class BAF_Merlin_HC3_D: Helicopter

LockDetectionSystem = 1118208;

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;


radarType = 4;

lockDetectionSystem = "8 + 4";

incommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;


LockDetectionSystem = 2;

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;

radarType = 4;


radarType = 4;

LockDetectionSystem = 8;

IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 0;

laserScanner = 1;

---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

can anyone offer any more clarity to this or any corrections? would be good to transpose it to the relevant wikis in due course

Edited by eggbeast

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that's awesome kju thanks mate

do you know what this means?

weaponLockSystem = "16 + 4";

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Maybe also missile type

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is it remotely possible to add a weapon to a turret?


with a cobra that has ffars in pilot turret (-1) and guns in gunner turret (0)

_vec addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134";

_vec addweapon "uns_M134";

_vec addMagazineTurret ["uns_28Rnd_FFAR",[-1]];

_vec addWeaponTurret ["uns_FFARlauncher",[-1]];-----------------> I made up "addWeaponTurret" as example - it does not exist

_vec addMagazine "uns_AIM9Ex4";

_vec addweapon "uns_AIM9ELauncher";

in this example it does work, because:

a) i used removeallweapons _vec at the start andit DID NOT remove the uns_ffarlauncher already configged in turret -1.

now if i try to change the type of ffarlauncher, we have problems. because adding the weapon to vehicle with addweapon it only goes into the gunner seat. in the case above where the ffar mag is added to the pilot turret, the weapon appears in gunner seat as empty.

this is really screwy - how come we have addmagazineturret but no addweaponturret?

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