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limitations of my computer or Arma3?

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I build HUGE missions, like will 10-15 task (objective) missions that span the whole map. underwater rescues, heli assaults, large scale land and sea battles, all on one map. Now is there a limit to this? I mean markers, units, triggers, all of it? cause I was play testing a mission and all of the sudden before I added a task to disable mines underwater....the units are acting strange...oppfor and blue for are almost in hand shaking distance before they shoot at each other. they dont take cover ect....did I break the game or did the game break my computer?

CPU specs....Dont laugh, I bought all new stuff today waiting to upgrade my rig.

triple core amd 3.6 (upgrade: intel core i5)

3.3 gigs of ram (its really 6 but 32bit only recognizes 3.3 upgrade: 4 sticks of 4 gig gskill sniper ram 16gig total)

radeon 4600 1 gig ram (bought a amd 7590 1 gig ggr5 so I'll be atleast up to 2011 ha)

sry if this in the the wrong spot but it could be a editing issue, such as i have WAY to much going on or to many tasks.....or it could be my Tomas Edison style computer.

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If you are noticing stupid AI behaviour then in all likelihood you have too many AI on the map at once. Things like tasks, objectives, statics, etc don't have any effect on performance (having 1000 triggers will though). AI behaviour however depends on good frame rates as the AI only makes use of one CPU core. Running your mission on a dedicated server will help (as the AI will be controlled by the server CPU instead of yours).

If your mission needs that many AI then I would look at using an AI script like DAC or the AI script pack for Arma3 (can't remember the name now.. .EOS or something?). What this will do is spawn the AI only when players are actually close to them which saves on resources.

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thanks...If I read correctly then AI only use one core, is there a way to make them use more cores or some how limit resources? I looked at "DAC" but Im thinking that once they update to BETA then all the classnames are going to change (like they said they would).....would an updated PC do anything....16 gigs of ram...mean theres more memory for the units to use....idk...

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  Anusmangler said:
thanks...If I read correctly then AI only use one core, is there a way to make them use more cores or some how limit resources? I looked at "DAC" but Im thinking that once they update to BETA then all the classnames are going to change (like they said they would).....would an updated PC do anything....16 gigs of ram...mean theres more memory for the units to use....idk...

it never hurts to update your PC :) and given your specs it Definitely wont hurt :) . the "engine "has certain limitations that hardware cant over come at the moment :( but like i said a new PC wont hurt :)

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If you're smart when creating missions and writing scripts, it's possible to include dozens of objectives and achieve little to no difference in performance when compared to small missions. One main principle is to avoid spawning units which aren't needed at that moment in time.

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  Anusmangler said:
thanks...If I read correctly then AI only use one core, is there a way to make them use more cores or some how limit resources? I looked at "DAC" but Im thinking that once they update to BETA then all the classnames are going to change (like they said they would).....would an updated PC do anything....16 gigs of ram...mean theres more memory for the units to use....idk...

DAC will still work with the beta.. if they change classnames you'll need to spend 20 minutes updating your DAC_Config files but other than that you're golden.

If you're looking to update your PC Arma loves CPU clock speed and fast hard drives.. so get the fastest GHZ processor you can and an SSD drive for your Arma installation. More RAM will not make any difference - I have 32bit Windows as well and never have issues due to lack of memory.

As MissileMoose mentioned smart mission design will help eliminate problems like this - spawning in AI only when needed, deleting AI when out of range, cleanup scripts that remove dead bodies and other objects after a certain time, etc.

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