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so i have working on a script that allows a player to attach explosives to a wall/vehicle and the only problem is that the action menu for the and i am sure its not the only problem IEDs don't work here is the script

btw the folder layout is as follows

mission folder>








nul = [] execVM "attach_explosives.sqf";


if (isserver) then { 


if (isnil("fnc_action_c4")) then {
	fnc_action_c4 = compile loadfile "placement_func\action_c4.sqf";

_debug = 0;

_unit = player;
nearbuildlist = [];
clearbuildlist = [];

// make units detect c4 around them to interact with

	nul = [_unit] spawn fnc_action_c4;
	nul = [_unit] spawn {

		_unit = _this select 0;
		while {alive _unit} do {

			_pos = getposATL _unit;

			buildlist = nearestobjects [_pos,["house"],300];
			nearbuildlist = nearestobjects [_pos,["house"],75];
			clearbuildlist = buildlist - nearbuildlist;	

		sleep 20;




sleep 1;


	private ['_unit'];
	_unit = _this select 0;

	while {alive _unit} do {

		_proximity = (getposATL _unit) nearobjects ["all",3];


			if (_x iskindof "ACE_c4") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach C4","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "ACE_c4_m") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach C4","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	

			if (_x iskindof "ACE_DM12B1_M") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach C4","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "ACE_Pipebomb") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach Satchel","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "BAF_ied_v1") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "BAF_ied_v2") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "BAF_ied_v3") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "BAF_ied_v4") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "PMC_ied_v1") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "PMC_ied_v2") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "PMC_ied_v3") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


			if (_x iskindof "PMC_ied_v4") then {

				_c4 = _proximity select (_proximity find _x);

				_idact = _unit addaction ["Attach IED","placement_func\attach_c4.sqf",[_unit,_c4]];
				waituntil {(_unit distance _c4) > 3};
				_unit removeaction _idact;	


		} foreach _proximity;

	sleep 0.5;



_args = _this select 3;
_unit  = _args select 0;
_item = _args select 1;
_dist = 3;
_array = [];

_upos = getposATL _unit;
_eyes = eyepos _unit;
_angle = (getdir _unit);
_zdif = ((_eyes select 2) - (_upos select 2));

if (isnil("fnc_get_angle")) then {
fnc_get_angle = compile loadfile "placement_func\fnc_get_angle.sqf"


if (isnil("fnc_intersects")) then {

fnc_intersects = compile "
	private ['_unit','_pos','_angle','_front'];
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_pos = _this select 1;
	_checkdist = _this select 2;
	_angle = _this select 3;

	_hyp = _checkdist;
	_adj = _hyp * (cos _angle);
	_opp = sqrt ((_hyp*_hyp) - (_adj * _adj));

	_front = if ((_angle) >=  180) then {

		[(_pos select 0) - _opp,(_pos select 1) + _adj,(_pos select 2)]

	} else {

		[(_pos select 0) + _opp,(_pos select 1) + _adj,(_pos select 2)]


	_object = (lineintersectswith [_pos,_front,_unit]) select 0;

	_obstructed = if (isnil('_object')) then {false} else {true};



_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;
_obstruction = _array select 2;

if (!(_obstructed)) exitwith {
nul = [] spawn {hintsilent "Move closer to the wall"; sleep 5 ;hintsilent "";};

while {_obstructed} do {

_dist = _dist - 1;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


_infront = _array select 1;

while {!(_obstructed)} do {

_dist = _dist + 0.1;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


while {_obstructed} do {

_dist = _dist - 0.01;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


_infront = _array select 1;
_infront set [2,(_infront select 2) - _zdif];

_angle = _angle + 2;
_dist = 3;

_angle = if (_angle > 360) then {_angle - 360} else {_angle};

_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;
_obstruction = _array select 2;

if (!(_obstructed)) exitwith {
nul = [] spawn {hintsilent "Move closer to the wall"; sleep 5 ;hintsilent "";};

while {_obstructed} do {

_dist = _dist - 1;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


_infront2 = _array select 1;

while {!(_obstructed)} do {

_dist = _dist + 0.1;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


while {_obstructed} do {

_dist = _dist - 0.01;
_array = [_unit,_eyes,_dist,_angle] call fnc_intersects;
_obstructed = _array select 0;


_infront2 = _array select 1;
_infront2 set [2,(_infront2 select 2) - _zdif];

_bdir = getdir _obstruction;
_sdir = [_infront,_infront2] call fnc_get_angle;

_dirdiff = _bdir - _sdir;
if (_dirdiff < 0) then {_dirdiff = _dirdiff + 360};

if ((_item iskindof "ACE_c4") or (_item iskindof "ACE_c4_m") or (_item iskindof "ACE_DM12B1_M")) then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;
	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;	
	_item setvectordir _vdir;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;
	[_item,0,270] call fnc_setpitchbank;



if ((_item iskindof "ACE_Pipebomb") or (_item iskindof "Pipebomb")) then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,90] call fnc_setpitchbank;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;



if (_item iskindof "BAF_ied_v1") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;
	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;	
	_item setvectordir _vdir;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;
	[_item,0,270] call fnc_setpitchbank;



if ((_item iskindof "PMC_ied_v1") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,90] call fnc_setpitchbank;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;



if (_item iskindof "BAF_ied_v2") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;
	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;	
	_item setvectordir _vdir;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;
	[_item,0,270] call fnc_setpitchbank;



if ((_item iskindof "BAF_ied_v4") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,90] call fnc_setpitchbank;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;


if (_item iskindof "BAF_ied_v3") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;
	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;	
	_item setvectordir _vdir;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;
	[_item,0,270] call fnc_setpitchbank;



if ((_item iskindof "PMC_ied_v2") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,90] call fnc_setpitchbank;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;


if (_item iskindof "PMC_ied_v3") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;
	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,0] call fnc_setpitchbank;	
	_item setvectordir _vdir;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;
	[_item,0,270] call fnc_setpitchbank;



if ((_item iskindof "PMC_ied_v4") then {

if (_obstruction iskindof "LandVehicle") then {

	_cardimentions = boundingbox _obstruction;
	_carheight = ((_cardimentions select 1) select 2) - ((_cardimentions select 0) select 2);

	_c4height = if (_carheight >= 4) then {1.2} else {0.7};	

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + _c4height)];

	_vdir = vectordir _item;

	_wtmpos = _obstruction worldtomodel (getposATL _item);
	_item attachto [_obstruction,_wtmpos];

	[_item,90,90] call fnc_setpitchbank;

} else {

	_item setpos [(_infront select 0),(_infront select 1),((_upos select 2) + 1.2)];

	_item setdir _sdir;




_obj1 = _this select 0;
_obj2 = _this select 1;

_pos1 = if ((typename _obj1) == "Array") then {_obj1} else {getposATL _obj1};
_pos2 = if ((typename _obj2) == "Array") then {_obj2} else {getposATL _obj2};

_hyp = _pos1 distance _pos2;
if (_hyp == 0) then {_hyp = 0.1};
_adj = (_pos1 select 1) - (_pos2 select 1);

_angle = if ((_pos1 select 0) > (_pos2 select 0)) then {

acos (_adj/_hyp);

} else {

360 - (acos (_adj/_hyp));



thanks for your help!!

Edited by TrevorMcNeill

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its fine what sucks is that that's all that's left are the ieds and it will be finished

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I couldn't implement it to test it. I kept getting errors. If you could put it in a mission and upload it I'd take another look.

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I couldn't implement it to test it. I kept getting errors. If you could put it in a mission and upload it I'd take another look.

will do here is a google doc upload but i was running mods so just depbo it and just put everything but the mission file into your own mission folder

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