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Bulldozer Keeps appearing as nighttime

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Normally I would just reload bulldozer, and it randomly hits daytime mode, however today its been 2-3 times of night. I looked at the startup parameters listed on the BI site and none of them seem to refer to start time, so I'm not sure how to change this. In the past i've left bulldozer on for a few hours and noticed it change from day to night, so i guess its on some 24 hr cycle. If anyone knows how to permanently set it to daytime it would be greatly appreciated, since it takes about a 1/2 hr to reload bulldozer for me



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Try "-exThreads=0" in your buldozer launch command parameters line in V3 external viewer prefs - with a bit of luck that should speed up loading times - though to a certain extent at least, it IS dependant on terrain size, etc...

For the "time of day" think... hmmm - not sure...

By default, and unless you specify otherwise, buldozer will read your standard game .cfg for window size etc, and your default Arma2OAProfile file for other stuff like display quality, viewdistance, key assignments, etc and it'll use whatever it finds there... I don't remember a time of day parameter though... though, I DO vaguely remember this question being asked - and answered, I think - with reference to the O2 buldozer setup... (someone wanted to check lights were working or something), so there should be a control for it somewhere..... maybe search the O2 section for the same thing??


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speeding up load times will greatly improve my situation regardless of lighting! Thanks for the help!

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Are you sure it is night and you don't have thermal on? Try hitting N a few times. If you press keys while buldozer is loading, even if you're typing in a different window, they can still be "read" by Buldozer and it will respond or at least it does for me.

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Great call Jakerod, turns out that was the issue was all along. Never knew that nightvision/thermal was still available in bulldozer

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I had the same issue, just this second, and the first post i read today solves it, WIN!

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