Major Fubar 0 Posted July 29, 2002 I guess this belongs in troubleshooting.... Has anyone else found that putting terrain detail to "high" or "very high" puts an incredible strain on their PC, and causes the game to run as jerky as heck? My system is: P4 1.8ghz, 256MB RAMBUS RAM, Geforce2 MX-400 64MB. My OS is Win98, with Direct X 8.1. My CPU benchmark is around 3900 (for what it's worth). My other settings are: Direct 3D HW T&L; 1024 X 768 32bit; frame rate = max; visual quality= max, visibilty = 900; object shadows, vehicle shadows & cloudlets = on. Can anyone suggest any tweaks or tips that will allow me to run the higher terrain detail settings? Maybe I need a new graphics card or more ram, or maybe a different OS (Win 2000 or XP). Thanks, Fubar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted July 29, 2002 How about this prominent thread? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoonieRat 0 Posted July 29, 2002 Major FuckedUp BeyondAllRecognition!!, why do you want to run on 'very high' anyways?. even 'high' is useless for vehichles and landing Helos'!!. the only good thing going for it is it interesting when searching out enemys on the ground as Infantry ... its very unrealisticly implemented. I've actualy taken advantage of the settings available to set it to 'very low'!. I think it looks much better smoothed out myself. I'd try tweaking the distance veiw more. set the image quality right up, turn frame rate right down and blow terrain complexity out the window ... My 1333T~bird has the same CPU bench, but I have 512MB RAM and a Gf3Ti500. my old Gf2pro would run at the same settings(1280X1024, or 1152x864) with a slightly lower FPS. time for a new vid card maybe?, and another 256MB RIM RAM. you don't need me to tell you MX's suck!. The reason I upgraded to a GF2pro was cause I had a Hercules GF2MX!! . its whats holding you back. the two extra 'texture pipelines' (4 as opposed to MX's 2)make the world of difference on non~MX cards. PS. 'Very high' runs 'very Horribley' on my Rig!, but 'High' seems no different than 'Normal' performance wise .and Win98 is still the No1 performing gamers OS. Where do you live?. UK or US?. there are some good cheap GF3Ti500's around at the moment hovering just above the Å100 mark. Gainward are still asking nearly Å300 for some of their GF3's!! . but Leadtek (the best IMO) are at the above. their Ti4200's aren't too much more either!... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted July 29, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ July 29 2002,10:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How about this prominent thread?<span id='postcolor'> Yes, but it's I couldn't get a reply. I was asking a question specific to my setup. Still, reading that thread did answer many of my questions. -------------------------- So what you're saying is high terrain detail is basically pointless? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 29, 2002 High end terrain is for high end graphics cards, I'm pretty sure we've said that enough times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted July 29, 2002 OK... P.S. I did a complete OFP reinstall from when I first installed OFPR and found that did help a bit. Does anyone know about the geforce tweaking utiltity? is it safe to use, and does it increase performance much? Oh, and what about OS? Is Win98 OK, or should I be looking to upgrade? I heard that Win98 can only utilise 256MB of RAM, so if I want to get more, I guess I should get 2000 or XP. Anyway, sory if this has all been asked before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoonieRat 0 Posted July 29, 2002 I have 512MB of RAM and win98. its fine. Win98 doesn't utilize over 512MB of RAM. winXP does, but more than 512 is pointless for games. certain video editing and CAS programs use that much I think. if you're not into that kinda stuff its pointless having over 512. If you are'nt overclocking your MX download 'CoolBits' and enable overclocking in the 'Clock Frequencies' tab that appears in Geforce properties once 'CoolBits' has edited the registry. I cant remember what the default GPU and memory speeds are for an MX. if you remind me I'll recomend the max Mhz to go for... PS. turn 'Object Shadows' off for a performance boost. its poorly implemented anyway. shadows flicker on and off if you change where you're looking a tad!. I'd turn 'Vehicle Shadows' off too if it did'nt stop the tank tracks being drawn . personell shadows are'nt much cop either IMO(Iwish Vehicles and personell were on a individual setting!. you'll get a better frame rate with them off. I notice it on my Ti500 so you should see a goodly improvement on an MX!. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites