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BorderGuard - Advanced Border Protection

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Transform simple message to the BorderGuard !

Hello !

I would like to introduce You the BorderGuard, advanced border protection for DM and TMD multiplayer missions with limited combat zone.

Download: BorderGuard 1.3 (Two examples included)

NOTE: BorderGuard is completely Client side script, It will be executed only on Live Servers there is nothing to do on Dedicated Servers

NOTE: All globals defined in this and in all my other scripts have prefix 'LW_' (there is no exception)

What does it do ?

When player enter/leave specific trigger BorderGuard displays warning and creates new task. Player then have to go back to combat zone to successfully complete the task, if he fail to do so or if he stay in/out of the trigger he is executed. This task is always removed after completion, BorderGuard additionally provides task for whole mission and it's final state depends on player's behavior during the match. To satisfy all needs BorderGuards provides 7 parameters ready to be assigned from paramsArray, it can also handle with both 'simple borders' and 'multiple borders' and for debug purposes You can use system messages to monitor BorderGuards actions.


  • BorderGuard Mode
  • Action Delay
  • BorderGuard May Kill
  • Task Delay
  • Task Distance
  • Task Duration
  • Warning Style

Additional Options:

  • Create Borders
  • Simple Borders
  • System Messages

Two Ways One Solution

Simple Borders:

You have two triggers surrounding whole combat zone, BorderGuard is activated when player leaves the triggers

In this case the smaller trigger have to has specified name 'LW_InnerBorder' and all what You have to do is to run BorderGuard on activation. Player will be always tasked to move in direction of center of the trigger.

Multiple Borders:

You have multiple triggers around whole combat zone, BorderGuard is activated when player enters the trigger

In this case u have to provide the center of combat zone by marker(s) with name 'LW_BorderGuardMarker', if You have, for example, combat zone with shape L You will have to provide more then one 'center', if You need to do so use same name with index 'LW_BorderGuardMarker_#'. Player will be tasked to move in direction of the nearest marker.

NOTE: BorderGuard searches for 'LW_BorderGuardMarker' and 'LW_BorderGuardMarker_1' if the '_1' is found it continues on '_2' until '_#' returns position [0, 0, 0]. 'LW_BorderGuardMarker_0' will be always skipped.

(just for sure.. I noticed that color check 'trick' but [0, 0, 0] will be hardly center of combat zone right ?)



  • Copy BorderGuard to Your mission folder and '#include' the BorderGuard.sqf in your init.sqf
    • Based on where did You placed the BorderGuard change the value of '_LW_path_functionsBorderGuard' inside BorderGuard.sqf.
    • Additionally You can copy parameters from BorderGuard.sqf to the init.sqf, just make sure that You comment them in BorderGuard.sqf.

    [*]Copy the BorderGuard project from stringtable.xml (provided with BorderGuard) and place it under your project in your stringtable.xml


  • Simple Borders
    • Create two triggers
    • Trigger representing inner border
      • Name: LW_InnerBorder
      • Shape: Rectangle
      • Type: None
      • Activation: Anybody - Repeatedly - Present
      • Condition: alive player && !(player in thisList)
      • On Activation: LW_scr_borderGuard = [] spawn LW_fnc_borderGuard;

      [*]Trigger representing outer border

      • Name: LW_OuterBorder
      • Shape: Rectangle
      • Type: None
      • Activation: Anybody - Repeatedly - Present
      • Condition: alive player && !(player in thisList)
      • On Activation: _null = [] spawn LW_fnc_borderGuardExecution;

    [*]Multiple Borders

    • Create two triggers
    • Trigger representing inner border
      • Name: LW_InnerBorder
      • Shape: Rectangle
      • Type: None
      • Activation: Anybody - Repeatedly - Present
      • Condition: alive player && player in thisList
      • On Activation: LW_scr_borderGuard = [] spawn LW_fnc_borderGuard;
      • On Deactivation: call LW_fnc_borderGuardTerminator;

      [*]Trigger representing outer border

      • Name: LW_OuterBorder
      • Shape: Rectangle
      • Type: None
      • Activation: Anybody - Repeatedly - Present
      • Condition: alive player && player in thisList
      • On Activation: _null = [] spawn LW_fnc_borderGuardExecution;

      [*]Copy them around your combat zone

      [*]Create BorderGuardMarker in center of your combat zone

Mission End:

  • Don't forget to complete BorderGuard's mission task, befor You call for 'endMission' call for 'LW_fnc_borderGuardMissionTaskComplete'


Deployed Functions

  • LW_fnc_borderGuard
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardExecution
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardCheckDistance
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardMarkers
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardMissionTask
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardMissionTaskComplete
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardTask
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardTaskComplete
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardTaskRemove
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardTerminator
  • LW_fnc_borderGuardWarning

Edited by LoonyWarrior

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You have released this with good intentions, and appreciate you trying to support the community, however this is essentially a script that creates fake barriers to contain players within a certain area, thus limiting the players' ability to be creative when attacking targets, and goes completely against the authenticity driven path of the Arma series.

There are many more realistic, and creative ways to keep players within a certain area. Be it with an increased enemy presence; unmarked minefields; time sensitive objectives or even by simply creating objectives which interest and grab the players' attention.

Please don't take my, or others' opinions personally, especially around here. I hope that you find the above constructive, I'll definitely look out for more content from you. Opinions differ, just don't let I or anybody else stop you from doing what you enjoy. :)

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You have released this with good intentions, and appreciate you trying to support the community, however this is essentially a script that creates fake barriers to contain players within a certain area, thus limiting the players' ability to be creative when attacking targets, and goes completely against the authenticity driven path of the Arma series.

There are many more realistic, and creative ways to keep players within a certain area. Be it with an increased enemy presence; unmarked minefields; time sensitive objectives or even by simply creating objectives which interest and grab the players' attention.

Please don't take my, or others' opinions personally, especially around here. I hope that you find the above constructive, I'll definitely look out for more content from you. Opinions differ, just don't let I or anybody else stop you from doing what you enjoy. :)

Thank you for your comment... I should probably explain this...

its made for DM and TDM multiplayer missions not for coop or so... and i simply felt that its needed... :)

u already have missios with borders made like this... and its always like... one trigger 'show message' second trigger 'kill'

but nobody cares if player stays in that first trigger.. the message can dissapear.. and simply nothing forces player to move out of the borders..

and thats why BorderGuard came on the scene :)

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and thats why BorderGuard came on the scene :)

I understand now. I only really play cooperative game modes, thus lack the wider perspective. With the recent teaser of Altis, I can imagine it being very difficult for some missions to contain players within an area. :)

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Please use a decent upload site ... preferable in English.

it's direct download now :)

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When i enter any vehicle BorderGuard instantly kill me.

Im using simple borders.

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When i enter any vehicle BorderGuard instantly kill me.

Im using simple borders.

hi :)

if u wish to use vehicles in your mission u have to change conditions of the triggers...


alive player && !(player in thisList)


alive player && !(vehicle player in thisList)

do this for both... LW_InnerBorder and LW_OuterBorder

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