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Adjust/improve the bush/foliage models

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First - the bush models are pretty neat to look at. Especially the leaves look really nice.

However - sadly they are not designed very well! For example it is not possible to hide under them. At distance you are clearly visible., as you can see in the example pics on the left.

Example pic_1

Example pic_2

Since camouflage is a big concern in a military shooter this design flaw is even more dramatic.

Look at the roots of the plants in the left pictures.. They stand out way to much.

Luckily this is easy fixable. If you remodel the bush model - every bush in the whole game will be adjusted at the same time. Therefore this would only need a simple workover to be implemented.

it would make camouflage in the distance way more realistic - and thats exactly what we want in a military simulation.

ps: This is meant to be a discussion - since there is obviously also the possibilty to implement this via a mod.

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Or maybe that's how those types of bushes look like.

I wouldn't say it's wrong, or a bug.

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I moved your previous post to the wishlist and ideas thread for a reason. Do not just create another one with the same content.

Changing the bush models is just a simple suggestion which does not need a seperate thread and if you want it to be discussed, you can use the ArmA 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION thread.

And as zimms pointed out, the bushes might just look like that in real life.


Edited by PurePassion

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