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Okay so i have seen on the forums and in google about this problem, and im pretty sure i know sort of how it works. Just having lost the page explaning it i cant go ahead and fix it.

Now the problem is this, you create your nice little airstrip... using artifical objects and placing the runways you want.. you then compile and export and ingame you can see your run way and mine looks like this - http://i39.tinypic.com/30uu61x.jpg

How ever when viewing the map and zooming in it doesnt show up... - http://i40.tinypic.com/nqsims.png

Now i know that its not going to show up unless i set the params of where the airstrip should be, now if i can remeber correctly the post i saw about it said something along the lines of "place buildings around your airstrip etc etc to get the location of where it should be etc etc..." I just cant see this tutorial anymore, cant find it anywhere, so if someone could link me, or explain it (linking me would be alot quicker) then i would be very thankful!

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well arent you a star i will check it out as soon as im back from work, thanks as allways!

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

Okay i see this allows for ai landing and taxi'ing but does it also create the outline so your airstrip is visible on the map? Becuase thats pretty damn complicated for me but ile give it a shot if thats what i need for it to show up on the map!

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Oh you want to know how to see it on the sat map. That you draw on using photoshop or whatever program you have.

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There's a parameter in the ILS config section you'll be creating...

drawTaxiway = 0;

If you set that parameter to "1" instead, then on the in-game map you'll see an outline drawn of the runway and taxiway that you've defined in your main ILS config section.

Like M1lkm8n says though, you should really also paint your runway on your mask (and assign it a basic general purpose no-clutter surface like "gravel" or something - same as your roads), and also on your satellite layer too - that's important as it'll then show in the editor and in-game in the "show textures" view, plus it'll allow pilots to "see" the runway in the distance - distances beyond which the actual runway models themselves would have stopped being drawn...

An easy way of doing that is to set a camera high above your runway in-game or in buldozer - looking straight down on the runway & taxiway arrangement - then grab a screenshot - crop out the picture of the runway and paste it into place at the correct scale on your satellite image...


Edited by Bushlurker

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