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hmmmmmmm....hard question

woman in the frontline sometimes burdens the men...but sometimes they 'boost' their morale

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The true (and Official) reason why Women are not allowed to serve in Front Line Combat positions (Ie. Infantry) in Western Armies:-

Women are more suceptible to disease if they do not keep proper hygien.. (sp??) - that is.. Infantry units sometimes don't have access to baths or showers for days.. sometimes weeks on end. Women in that situation (due to their periods etc.) can get ALOT more... and more deadly diseases than men in that situation.

Therefore... they can not be allowed in that situation.

As far as I am aware.. there are women in the SAS and other special forces units designed for quick strike/ Counter-terror missions.

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Guest Scooby

Women are lighter to evacuate.

Remember that if someone lacks physical strenght it can be fulfilled with mental strenght.

At first we were told that: Before army you might have thought that all your powers are exchausted. Here you will find out that you can go alot longer"

Bit poorly translated but everyone should get the idea. Some man might seem to be physically strong but if he is mentally weak some physically weaker man / woman with stronger mental strenght can do better than him. At the end, mental strenght is always needed to keep you going. In a group of people with nearly same physical fitnesses those with strong mental strenght can push it further.

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Scooby, I agree but that's not the point. A "person" is not a body and is not a mind... A person is a whole: body + mind, is it right? The point is that parameters to be admitted in the army and to serve in front line should be the same, without differences between men and women. I read here: "women are not so strong"... that's a silliness as it's a generalization. I know there are women winning olimpyc games: they are stronger, faster and more trained than me and 99,99% of we all. Right? Im my vision to fight on first line you have to have a certain score (body, mind and so on). The ones passing that score should be "accepted", theyr sex doesn't matter... But, f*** ####, the score has to be the same!

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my point isn't that women aren't as good so shouldn't be allowed in - my point is they should have to pass the SAME tests as men otherwise it makes a mockery.

For example say you have to run 2 miles in 5 minutes and a guy applies but fails as he only makes it in 6 minutes. Then a woman applies and does it in 8 but her pass mark is 10 minutes not five and she is allowed in. Does that make sense? No.

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Not too much sense! If u run 2 miles in 5 you are not a man... You are a horse! LOL

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ok so the times and distances are a bit off (I got confused with what I run on the treadmill at the gym, only I just realised thats in Km!) smile.gif

But you get my point?

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It jsut occured to me....we haven't heard from AvonLady in this topic yet. She is a member of the IDF, and would prob....should I say DEFINATELY have a good viewpoint on women in the military. Israel has had women serving in their armed forces pretty much as long as they have been a country.

If anybody sees her, see if you can get her to post a comment (or 2, or 3....) I would really like to hear her view on this matter. I'm going to shoot her an e-mail, and hope she can give us her viewpoint.

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Ehm here in Norway we do have females in most fields of the Army, from Sergeants to F16 fighter pilots to Tank commanders, enginers, artillery support, tactical(hq), or regular soldiers. Their not many and its voluntary so far but those of them who dare, they can go real far (i.e. F16 combat fighter pilot:)

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Despite the impression my posts have probably given I do agree that women should be given the opportunity to be in the army. I just believe that if you want equality it has to be full. They should have to reach the same level of fitnes, strength, skill, ability, etc otherwise you are not achieving equality and you are bound to damage the quality of your army (and probably hurt morale in the process).

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Eyes, Im on your side there mate. It was so annoying for me and the lads to do a BFT and CFT in full gear and weight, and then watch the ladies do 10 1/4 pull ups (imagine a press up and invert it) while we are having to do those fecking annoying 'full' pull ups. ( I thought I would breeze the pull ups, 15 to 20, but you have to fully extend your elbows and relax completely and you cant get into a proper rhythm). btw British army, without doubt is the best trained in the world!!

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one big reason for not having women on the front lines until recent days (maybe i should just make that "in the past 500 years or so") has been politics.

people simply don't like seeing dead women shipped home in body bags.

i believe however that this attitude is changing.

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I agree with women in logistics and Intelligance and pilots , transport and dare I say it cooks etc but as a frontline combat troop doesn't make sense to me physically if women cant do the same PT at the same rate as males it darn right dangerous in close combat . I don't care how mentally tough she is physicaly they are not as suited .

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It's when you start getting 'quotas' on how many people in your organisation should be a certain 'type' that quality goes out the window. So long as the selection process is equall for all then eventually you will get a fair propotion of the population in your workforce. If you start saying things like "at least 25% must be female by the end of the year" you put yourself in a position where you stop hiring on ability and have to take other factors into view.

I'm studying a degree on computing at Southampton University which is the second best uni in the world for computing. When I leave I expect prosective employers to look at my education, my qualifications, my portfolio and my skills and nothing else. THAT'S equality - not turning me down for a job cos I won't help fill the quota of a certain minority.

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Ofp resistance has female units and if you get the editor_update102 you can use angelina!

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