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Bert ex 22bty RA

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About Bert ex 22bty RA

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Footy, opf, footy,her indoors(official), footy,baldur\'s gate, footy, Chelsea,Southend United,baseball and finally... yes footy
  1. Bert ex 22bty RA

    Unfit Soldiers

    It is TOUGH!! I was the shooting team for 32 Regt RA in the UK 3 div competition. I thought it would be easy, but.... for example, in one shoot we had to fire 10 rounds at 5 targets at 300 yards, run 100 yard sprint, 10 more rounds at 5 targets at 200 yards, 100 yard sprint 15 rounds at 15 targets. This is in full kit. It wasnt all that easy. But then after we had to this again wearing our respirators! needless to say on the second shoot my aiming was way off! This game IS realistic, dont knock it 'til you've tried it.
  2. Bert ex 22bty RA

    A soviet addon

    Phoenix was produced so that the rockets didn't have to be guided and so saved money on rocket costs. Are the new rockets going to used by the U.S. and the British?
  3. Bert ex 22bty RA

    Add Some Birds so we can have a hunting party!

    shoot seagulls? a little mundane methinks. If they could make some nifty wood pigeon it could be more challenging (Edited by Bert ex 22bty RA at 10:48 pm on Nov. 10, 2001)
  4. Bert ex 22bty RA

    Some unusual add-on requests...

    I know this will sound amazingly cheesy.... but how about a n M16 with an underslung shotgun? For 10 bonus points, in which film can you see it in action?
  5. Bert ex 22bty RA

    CRIMECITY research

    For a change you could always try a Crossfire. An over/under 12 borer shotgun with a 5.56mm rifle. This would be a good choice as you can use the 12 bore to fire cs gas, rubber bullets and solid shot as well as normal cartridges No.7 to Buck shot. www.crossfirellc.com The SAS are implementing a new HK, but Im not sure what it is called. It uses a smaller round about 4.4mm
  6. Bert ex 22bty RA

    A soviet addon

    Nice stuff, If it were an MLRS with a Phoenix battery, Im in! ( Multiple Launched Rocket System- Phoenix is an AUV with a thermal imaging camera)
  7. Bert ex 22bty RA

    W ?

    Eyes, Im on your side there mate. It was so annoying for me and the lads to do a BFT and CFT in full gear and weight, and then watch the ladies do 10 1/4 pull ups (imagine a press up and invert it) while we are having to do those fecking annoying 'full' pull ups. ( I thought I would breeze the pull ups, 15 to 20, but you have to fully extend your elbows and relax completely and you cant get into a proper rhythm). btw British army, without doubt is the best trained in the world!!
  8. Bert ex 22bty RA

    Looking for GOOD addons

    The problem with the 'big wheelies', as I like to call them, is... After a few machine gun rounds (M2 M60 and most other 7.62mm+ calibre guns) the tyres dont last very long. And yes, I DO know by experience.
  9. Bert ex 22bty RA

    W ?

    Personally, having served with women, they couldnt hack it most of the time. 'This radio weighs too much.' 'I'm not running that far.' and the countless other excuses that were given spring to mind. On the other hand they weren't all ugly and some could do their jobs really well. Swings and roundabouts at the end of the day. The Army should be more pickky if you ask me.(not that you are!)
  10. Bert ex 22bty RA

    W ?

    Not to mention the fact that not many women can put 60-90lbs of kit on their back and then tab for 10 miles before contacting the enemy! Good point though, another reason is that women keep conciuosness(?) longer than men at high level g-forces. Keep smiling
  11. Bert ex 22bty RA

    W ?

    The sad reality is that the only women you are likely to on a battle field would be helicopter pilots. Women only serve in background units (artillery, engineers etc) something to do with male pride methinks ;)