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ForEach units group _unit?

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itt_fnc_setupBattleGroups = {
   _squadLeader = _this select 0;
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: FORMING BATTLE GROUPS..."; };
   _FT1count = 0;
   _FT2count = 0;
   _SQDcount = 1;
   _FT1array = [];
   _FT2array = [];
   _SQDarray = [_squadLeader];
   _squadmates = units group _squadLeader;
   _squadmates = _squadmates - [_squadleader];
   //for "_i" from 0 to (count _squadmates) do {
       _unit = _x;
       if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: ASSIGNGING UNIT..."; };
       if ((FT1count >= 4) && (FT2count >=4)) then {
           _SQDarray = _SQDarray + [_unit];
           _SQDcount = _SQDcount + 1;
           if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: UNIT ADDED TO SQD..."; };
       } else {
           if (FT1count >= FT2count) then {
               _FT2array = _FT2array + [_unit];
               _FT2count = _FT2count + 1;
               if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: UNIT ADDED TO FT2..."; };
           } else {
               _FT1array = _FT1array + [_unit];
               _FT1count = _FT1count + 1;
               if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: UNIT ADDED TO FT1..."; };
   } forEach units group _squadLeader;
   /*_FT1hasMG = true;
   _FT2hasMG = true;
   if ((_FT1hasMG && _FT2hasMG) || (!_FT1hasMG && !_FT2hasMG)) then {
   _MGFT = [_FT1array, _FT2array] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
   } else {
       if (_FT1hasMG) then {
           _MGFT = _FT1array;
           _MFT = _FT2array;
       } else {
           _MGFT = _FT2array;
           _MFT = _FT1array;
   _MGFT = _FT1array;
   _MFT = _FT2array;
       _x setVariable ["itt_battleGroup", 1, true];
   } forEach _MGFT;
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: MGFT FORMED..."; };
       _x setVariable ["itt_battleGroup", 2, true];
   } forEach _MFT;
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: MFT FORMED..."; };
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: BATTLEGROUPS ASSIGNED..."; };

itt_fnc_battleGroups = {
   _squadLeader = _this select 0;
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: FORMING BATTLE GROUPS..."; };
   _SQD = group _squadLeader;
   _MGFT = createGroup (side _squadLeader);
   _MFT = createGroup (side _squadLeader);
       _team = _x getVariable "itt_battleGroup";
       switch _team do {
           case 1: {
               [_x] join _MGFT;
               _x groupChat "Formed up!";
               if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: UNIT JOINED MGFT..."; };
           case 2: {
               [_x] join _MFT;
               _x groupChat "Formed up!";
               if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: UNIT JOINED MFT..."; };
   } forEach units group _squadLeader;
   if (itt_debug) then { systemChat "ITT DEBUG :: BATTLE GROUPS FORMED..."; };
   [_SQD, _MGFT, _MFT] spawn itt_fnc_engagedLoop;

The above two functions should split a squad into 2 fireteams, and a support element, but the loop never shows "ITT DEBUG :: ASSIGNGING UNIT..." for debug... any idea whats wrong with the loop?

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if (FT1count >= FT2count) then {


if ((FT1count >= 4) && (FT2count >=4)) then {

Should be local variables

if (_FT1count >= _FT2count) then {


if ((_FT1count >= 4) && (_FT2count >=4)) then {

Maybe causing the script to stop due to these being undefined?

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Doh! :butbut:

I'll try when I get home from work thanks!

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