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Fixing my textures

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In all of my games my textures are very detailed up close but the further you look the more blurry they become. I have a Gf4 4200. For D3d I am using 2x anti-aliasing, MIP map on best quality, fog table emulation enabled (whatever that is), and my texel allignment is at 3. This must be some sort of setting because my Voodoo 5 barely did this. Sorry I cant get a screenshot from ofp because it isnt letting me take screens anymore but an example would be standing on a runway and 10m up you can see a section of slightly blurry texture, then 20m up from that its even more blurry and so on and so until I cant even see the stripe in the runway anymore. This might belong in troubleshooting but since it is in all my games I put it here.

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And this would be off-topic, why?

Moving to TS smile.gif

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The no AA helped a little bit but its still doing it.

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Yes I use T&L but not everything far away is white, also I have the same problem when using regular D3D. Im looking for some tweaking tools but I cant find any.

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Also my trees textures are really crappy and some bushes are keeping their crappy texture no matter how close I get to them.

Looks similar to this guys screen, can you see how it gets all blurry after the immediate area where the player is.


Could be something to do with MIP mapping here is pic from Fs98 showing the differences, that is alot like what my ofp is doing.


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Maybe this is just something gay about D3d because I always used glide on voodoo and it never did this.

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MDRZulu, have you set "auto drop down" (in preferences utility) to "none"?

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Ok I think I fixed this problem, first I downloaded the newest detonator drivers (may or may not need to do this), then the more important part I downloaded a program called rivatuner which can be found HERE. Then I went into the driver settings part and selected the directx/direct 3d button. I then set my Mipmapping LOD setting to -3. Then this is what actually made a difference, I went to the textures tab and put my degree of anisotropy at force level 8. When I played resistance it was amazing how much better the ground looked, it actually makes me want to play it much more. I can now see the stripes on the runway with 2000m viewdistance and they are crystal clear the whole way down. I dont think alot of people mess with this setting but if you do its definetly worth it.

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